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Entry 27: Yar

Finally fixed my computer after so long of dealing with slowdowns during the school year. Turned out to be a harddrive problem where my primary IDE drives were set to PIO mode. Well, the computer's doing well now so I'm able to enjoy gaming again on the main computer.   School's going pretty well as I'm not struggling with classes this time around. Kind of hard to believe the first year is over as I didn't find myself wanting it to be over as I did with high school. Saw a lot of interesting stu



Entry 24: Lolol

Dreamcast Lives again after I broke the GD-Rom screwing around with it!   I WANNA TAKE YOU FOR A RIDEEE



Entry 23: Catchup

It's thankgiving break. So far, college is pretty good. Trying to beat some games I started over my stay at college and I'm not failing miserably at that. Saw my first concert at college. It was pretty cool despite the loss of hearing afterwards and the strong bass that you feel when you're near the front. I suppose I'll get used to it after many other concerts. Home is still the same. Got interested in anime again and watch that occasionally. I can finally get to watching some of the anime that



Entry 22:Rawr

Like Godzilla coming out to raid Japan, my GBA SP is finally going to be used. Fear?



Entry 21: Argh

Midterms Suck.   In other news, I'm probably going to goto the hospital by the end of this semester.



Entry 20: Hmm

Got a Dreamcast. Played the wii.   Seems kinda pointless to write "Entry ##" but hell it's my blog. Who cares.



Entry 19: Wootx2

Somehow, the old playstation turned up in my house. So time to play/finish any ps games I didn't bother finish 2 years ago when it went missing



Entry 18: Yarr

College life is interesting enough. Met some people, classes are somewhat difficult, and I'm still working out on the kinks in scheduling and books. Otherwise, college life is pretty relaxed for the moment. Just need to work on obtaining some junk when I go home on Labor Day weekend to make the overall experience better.



Entry 17: Woot

Basically A New Computer (Graphics card, monitor, processor, motherboard). Plus Vacation in 2 days for a weekend.



Entry 16: Yar

Summer going kinda slow still for me. Not really finding any games that I"m interested in that I want to play. Hopefully, that might change when I upgrade my computer, but I'm not too sure about that. Just been doing misc. stuff as well as minor online gaming just to pass the time really. Otherwise, Nothing interesting here.



Entry 15: New Chapter

High school is finally over. Said a lot of goodbyes today, but I'm pretty sure I'll see a lot of them over the summer. What's kind of sad is that the same rountine I've been doing in my life is going to change. Oh well. Right now, I'm just concentrating on having a fun summer break and I'll worry about all that sentimental BS when I get there.



Entry 14: Home Stretch

Only got like a 10 days until my high school career is over. Just gotta endure through tests, projects, essays, finals (if any), etc. Standard BS. Then it's graduation.   It went pretty quickly didn't it.



Entry 12: Annoyance

You know what annoys me about the internet? Those dumb comfirmation pictures where you have to type in some randomly-generated code to confirm you're a human being and not a machine. I usually don't mind these but when they decide to put the letters in some freaky-ass font where you can't distinguish between a 1 and an L, or decide to put some silly background that makes the letters harder to read, that's when it annoys me. Especially when they only give you a certain amount of tries to do it.



Entry 11: Music Filtering

Ever since Summer, I've decided to get new music while ocassionally going through my old music list which originally had 1623 songs. Rather than go through it manually, I decided to leave the shuffle feature on and ended up getting the same songs like 3 times (Thank you winamp). Until recently, I decided to put the new music on hold, turn the shuffle off, and listen to every song from A to Z. I've deleted a lot and had to edit a lot of the tags that were badly named. I'm now left with about 1300



Entry 10: Counting down

January is over. Only got 4 months or so till school is over.   Also, winter is going to end soon (unfortunately). I hate spring. That's the season when my allergies go haywire for no reason, as well as those noisy little annoying buggers coming out.



Entry 9: Go Winter

Great thing about winter: Hardly any bugs and clementines   At Least until all the ladybugs come and swarm our buildings.   Yeah Another dumb update



Entry 8: Small update

Winter break is over.   I enjoyed every minute of it, and it's time to go back to school. Just a little recap, my skiing trip got cancelled over the weekend due to weather problems, So boo to that.   Also, I decided to accomplish something over the break so I didn't feel like I didn't do anything. So I learned about hexadecimals and binary. I also Added two links to my signature that allows you guys to connect to both IRC 1emu channels via Java IRC client (Thanks pjirc). That's all



Entry 7: Rewind

So Another recap post again since I haven't done anything in a while. I'm currently going through finals and my last final is tomorrow. My finals have been going good (got the B I wanted in Physics by getting an A on the final (I hate physics)). My last real final is tomorrow which is biology, which I've been looking at old test questions and junk and see if I can finish it in 5 minutes or so. Otherwise I'll be on break just catching up on old psx rpgs and doing some gaming and watching anime, w



Entry 6: Massive Recap

Thanksgiving Break was pretty fun. I got to see one of my brothers and his friends for about three days before they left for Northwestern again. The Thanksgiving dinner was a lot of food. I don't think we finished a lot of the turkey and the 2 roasts my mom cooked. I also got to see my oldest brother and his crazy two roommates. Got a 30 gb video ipod for my birthday and a used lcd from my dad as well as Devil May Cry 3 from my friends. Snow day on friday and just been lazy then   Yes this is a



Entry 5: Oh noez

Well, it started. I don't know when it started but today, I heard christmas carols on the radio. It's only November 15th, yet a month and a week to go before christmas, but people insist on playing the christmas songs this early in the year. I don't really have a problem with christmas songs; it's just like, Wow already!?   So lately, I've been writing a few game reviews, and I was following the guidelines posted by Gamecop when it got me wondering about us reviewing the "Control" aspect. Now I



Entry 4: Rush hour

I was thinking about how it was my senior year at high school (whoo), and thinking about how much stuff I still have to do before I set off to college. It's going to be strange not downloading anything during my whole time year (though I know I will slip and end up downloading some music), but that's what this last year is for. It's going to be fun hoarding games, anime, music for college. I think the ironic part is that I'm not going to use half of the stuff I hoarded, but who knows, maybe I ca



Entry 3: Fall Cleaning..?

So this weekend, I took the liberty of searching my harddrives listening to new music and deleting the useless stuff I don't need and organizing my crap around. I would say I had to uninstall a lot of games I haven't bothered to continue playing.   ^Hardly qualifies as news   Anyways, Marvel Ultimate Alliance is pretty awesome. I only did a small test run, and I enjoyed it so far. Kind of wish they had a bigger roster though.



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