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Entries in this blog

Back in action.... again?

My last "Back in Action" was... erm, sort of a dud. More like a status update than an honest to god commitment to a cause. Too much shit to deal with, too many sites to visit, too unemployed to make an effort both in the former and in the latter. I'll do better, since I've been neglecting my duties here for far too long. For reals. I'm super cereal. Don't expect me to take part in that in that Forum Attack System, though. We don't get along anymore, him and I.   In somewhat better news, I'm star



Back in action

I'm back. Well, I never really left for good, just lurked around. Might as well start writing something in this blog after.... like what? Seven years?   My site is down for the count since I changed ISPs. If there's someone who can lend me ~300+ MB of hosting space for free, then this issue is mostly solved.         ...   Aah, this blog bogart's my style, so I'll stop writing.



Well, time for an update

Heh, I came to the realization not long ago that I still have this blog thing here on 1Emulation.   Might as well give the n+1 people who occasionally glance this way an update of sorts.   I'm starting work on my bachelor's thesis as soon as I've submitted my topic and it's been officially approved. I'm extremely lazy regarding the entry above, but I promise that I'll finish it. Still haven't been able to find a job, but at least my students aid from KELA (Finnish Social Insurance Institution



Saitama Saishu Heiki

In case some of you don't know who/what SSH is, he a japanese guy named Saitama Saishu Heiki who formed a band called SSH and then proceeded to create synth rock arrangements of popular video game music.   SSH has done an incredible amount of arrangements, but only for the doujin scene. Their popularity to grew to such extent that SSH was able to create a compltely original soundtrack to a game called Lost Child. They've never been officially recognized as an arranger by a video game company. We




Finally got Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth for the PC.   ...   This game is so seriously messed up, that Silent Hill gets second place at certain moments. I think I need to make a review.   Play this game. I command it. It will steal your soul.



The invasion of russian spam bots

Yes that's right, it seems that these spam accounts are at an all-time high now. Message board across the known internet get spam messages from *.ru addresses (and most notably from formar bloc countries) containing dating services, perscription drugs, e-mail spam or just blatant hack attempts. Boards that use phpBB seem to be these spambots' favorite although this "infection" spreads way beyond phpBB as well.   1Emulation.Com is no exception. There is a good reason why we (administrators) scree



Animu time!

Finished watching Pani Poni Dash! not so long ago. Totally hilarious and off-the-wall references to popular culture, movies, games, and books.   Highly recommended.   Next stop: Mai-Otome, maybe?     Craving for yoghurt rising.



The new and improved 1Emulation.Com

That's right folks, it's up and running now. Enjoy, that's an order. Tons of new features and improvements, like this blog thingamajig, skins (but the majority of them don't work properly ). We will work out the few loose ends in the future.       *Note to self:* This is the first blog you've ever written. Try not to make yourself look like a complete amateur.   -Yeah right.



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