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Mortal Kombat theme

If anyone could possibly link me to a really brutal mortal kombat metal remix I would really love it. So far this was the best I could find. I'm looking for something that boils the blood and just makes you want to fuck shit up.   s-_Dhb9YyPs

Life at present for your favorite dude, AxL.

Issues: my laptop broke, my iPod broke, my relationship with my parents broke, my girlfriend and I hardly see each other, I haven't had sex in a month; all the money I have is being spent on weed and alcohol, my second university venture is failing miserably, I live in a crappy basement, I'm getting fatter and fatter, I can't quit smoking these fu<king cigarettes, I'm losing friends at the rate of 2 per year and I feel like crap in general. You wouldn't normally notice this because I'm a very

I got into university again

So yeah, today I just got my results from the University of Bucharest. I applied to study Japanese. I was accepted in, just barely though. I was the semi-last dude on the list. But I'm happy and I could care less. I'm going to major in Japanese and minor in German.


Starting off the Aural ebb and flow category, I present to you Xihilisk.   Xihilisk is the name of lloyd:everything's music. It's a mix of Indie/Electronica/Experimental. He describes it as "one man and his noise." More info can be found on http://www.myspace.com/xihilisk. Best of all, he makes his music freely available to anyone.   I recommend it as I find his songs have a great deal of potential and are perfect for those times when you need inspiration or just want to chillax.   Comment.

Sybarite Paladin AxL

Sybarite Paladin AxL

The Grand Nothing

Location: dorm room, Cambridge, UK State: mellow-jazzy Description: it's that state when you're staring at the abyss and you got your acoustic guitar with you and you play some random chill out riffs in a smoked up maryhaze Outside conditions: chilly and it's raining   Not saying anything, Get ready, I'm not saying anything, Get ready... You know very well what I'm gonna say: Not saying anything.   Don't know anything, Maybe I already know too much... Maybe I already learned how to listen, But

Sybarite Paladin AxL

Sybarite Paladin AxL

Character artistry ideas

Disclaimer: I've never developed a MUGEN work in my life. These are just my ideas I'm putting down for further reference and feedback. These will be used in a possible MUGEN project of mine. All these ideas are given from an artistic-prone point of view.   Character design is a tricky affair. It has to be just right to make you like the character. Important factors I identify in this topic, or rather, their absence, can make or break a character.   SPRITES   First off, let's talk about sprites.

Sybarite Paladin AxL

Sybarite Paladin AxL

Character design: Dictator

Otherwise known as Bison/Vega/Barlog, depending on what country you play your Street Fighter in.   Personally I don't give a rat's ass about this crappy confusion so I'll spell it out right now how I think it should be.   Dictator: Barlog, because it makes perfect sense when applied to him, if it doesn't to you, read some LotR, or if that's too hard, watch the first movie. Spanish Ninja: Vega, duuuuh... Boxer: Mike Bison. I don't care about the obvious reference to Mike Tyson. He's too much of a

Sybarite Paladin AxL

Sybarite Paladin AxL

SvC: Battle Poetry

This topic details the gameplay mechanics to a MUGEN project of mine called SvC: Battle Poetry.   This game will once again pit SNK characters against Capcom characters in a battle for survival. The roster is as follows:   SNK *Kyo Kusanagi *Benimaru Nikaido *Shingo Yabuki *Terry Bogard *Andy Bogard *Joe Higashi *Kusanagi *Rugal Bernstein *Adelheid Bernstein   Capcom *Ryu *Ken Masters *Gouki *Dan *Guile *Charlie *Satsui no Hadou ni mezameta Ryu *Violent Ken *Sakura Kasugano   Note: keep in mind

Sybarite Paladin AxL

Sybarite Paladin AxL

[Dubstep] Burial

Recently discovered this dubstep/dnb outfit named Burial.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burial_(musician)   "Burial is an English dubstep producer. His eponymous debut album was released in 2006 to critical acclaim. The Wire magazine named it their album of the year, along with achieving fifth place in the Mixmag 2006 Album of the Year list, and eighteenth in the best of the year list of The Observer music monthly supplement."   Sample track:   KoAbMfg9_Uk   I might download his works, if anyo

[EDM/Experimental] Silent Strike

Silent Strike is a dude from my country I stumbled upon about a month ago. Awesome stuff he does.   http://www.myspace.com/ststrike "Silent Strike (Ioan Titu) is a 26 years old electronic music composer and sound designer from Bacau, Romania."   Sample track: V4TWY41pvlo   Sample track 2: http://www.last.fm/music/Silent+Strike/_/Asian+Paper+Circus   Same deal with the previous post and all future music updates. You want it, I'll share it.

Mortal Kombat Mugen Project

After recently seeing the videos Side linked of Mortal Kombat Blood Storm and having watched how the series was getting worse and worse each installment I've been inspired to finally put down some ideas I had regarding a Mortal Kombat MUGEN project of mine.   At this point in time I'll just list all the kombatants.   Ashrah Baraka Blaze Bo' Rai Cho Chameleon Cyrax Dairou Darrius Drahmin Ermac Frost Fujin Goro Havik Hotaru Hsu Hao Jade Jarek Jax Johnny Cage Kabal Kai Kano Kenshi Kintaro Kira Kita

The word filter

After venting in my previous post, I'll try and rationalize as to why the word filter put in place on the 1emulation forum and blogs (and wherever else) is essentially a bad, useless feature.   Purpose: As far as I can gather, the intended use of the word filter is to protect younger 1emulation from words deemed harmful to their fragile minds and psyche.   Dismantling rationale: While this may all be fine and dandy in theory, understanding that kids aged 10+ already have a relatively firm grasp

Gaming Lamentations

Things this year haven't really been too gaming friendly for me. I quit World of Warcraft (for good this time... I hope). Then my laptop blew up. I don't have any rig I can still play stuff on and I mostly just doodle with my PSP nowadays. Too lazy to look up 360 hackings so I can pirate me some 360 games and there's little point since I don't have a hard drive for it or a second controller. I gave my NDS to a friend so he could cheat some exams but then he left on a voyage for what seems like a
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