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short stories and sometime a journal

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The red mage =WORKING TITLE"

“The magistrate will be very unhappy about this...turn of events... surely you don’t have anymore...ah merchandise for me Docket?” The crooked looking merchant ground his yellow tar stained teeth at the envoy with mocking malice. “I told yer we don’t usually get that Kind of Cargo! It’s considered a crime to harbor that kind of thing here! You tell yer magistrate he can find his own damned women! We’re merchants dammit! Not slavers or pimps!” The envoy fumed but to this he could do nothing. This



Things are starting to get better

well I took care of that cop issue. the guy got suspended for 4 months with no pay and hes up for review. though me being the great big teddy bear I am...I kinda feel for the guy...what pushed him to do that? I mean something completely outlandish just had to flocking make this guy snap...I could see the regret in his eyes when he saw me...have you ever done something...wrong and know its wrong yet...do it anyway? for whatever reason? well thats dumb everyone has done that....buit have you done



journal entry #3 for lack of a better title

last night was kind of one of those...make or break situations some of us really never get to experience...at least in real life. in the movies Ive seen crap likee this but never in my life has it ever happened to me before...   I am an african american Male. Born and Raised in Oakland Califonia. my "Block" or turf rather back in the day when crap like that was considered cool was 98th and Birch street in oakland. from the time I was there it was always a rough place to live. but of course when



Journal Entry #2 for lack of a better title

*Sigh* today started out pretty ok ya know? I woke up. had some breakfast. waited for my dad to pick me up from my place and headed over to the hospice(I just feel like saying hospice I have no Idea why) got the number of one of the nurses because...well I am bad the flock assed THATS WHY!?! Did my scan and off I was. chilled at the store for a minute with the gang. shared some laughs about a few very very ignorant iidividuals who kept coming into my store talking about "When dat new madden cu



Journal Entry # for lack of a better title

Well I got home a few hours ago. played a few matches of CVS2 with my roomie and got some pizza from the marina pizza parlor(if you live in the bay its a must to try it once!) going to hit the sack early since I have to be at the hospital again in the morning for an MRI scan. oy!   Its not so bad tho. my eyes are feeling better and I havent had any really bad headaches. I am still worried though. I mean the MRI is for my brain and they can tell me anything. I dont think I have anything MAJOR wro



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