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My eventful life

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My latest bout with Food Poisoning makes me wanna stay away from Pig. Last time I got salmonella was 10 years ago and it was from bad Sausage. This time it was bad Bacon. Swine before pearls brings new meaning to my life. !0 days and 20 lbs later. All I got to say if when you get it you know it. I admit I need to lose weight but not this way. The past days I have worshiped the porcelain God way too much.



My days for the last few

Well Mom had her surgery last Thursday and Friday. Everything went as planned and only time will tell if they actually got it all. They say the did and she will have a scare from the left corner of her lip to the bottom of her chin. She does not like that it will be a visible scare but hey like I told her at least you are alive.   My nephew is now in remission so that is great news on that end. But as you all may not be aware of Indiana has had some pretty crappy weather as of late. The souther



Life is still a drag

Well I visited my nephew this weekend and he looks like a munchkin from the Wizard of Oz. The steriods are making him swell up like mad and he is losing his hair which is freaking him out. But he is ok other wise just not much energy and that is to be expected.   Now for my Mom I am going with her this week to the appointments she has. Thursday she has the cancer cut out and Friday she has reconstructive surgery. Which Friday she is scared of since she will be but under. She hears all the crap t



Life is a drag

Well the last month or so has been hell. All in one week found out my Mom has cancer of the skin around her lip and my 4 year old nephew as leukemia. So it has been hell. I have been helping my sister with my nephew a lot lately and been going to Moms doctor appointments even though she says she can go alone. The good news is that Moms cancer is not spreadable they say. The have to cut most of her lower lip out and then make sure they got it all and let it heal. Then they will do reconstructive



Just an update

Been awhile since I updated this. Actually I forgot I started a blog here till FatalRose asked me about it on IM. So my life lately has been good. Business is great, lots of work in networking and even did a garage build just last month with my side construction job. Console modding has slacked a bit but that is figured since most don't wanna risk frying a new system. I still got 4 ps2 and 1 gamecube mod job last month though. I even has 1 psx mod as well. Been awhile since I did one of those. S



flocking Rain

All it does is rain anymore here. The only plus side to this is the work I have got to help people waterproof their basements and homes. If it keeps up this pace I may just have to build a Ark.   So anymore all I do lately is work and sleep. I did get to go out the other day and jam a little with some friends of mine at a local club. I am looking forward to the Children of Bodom concert on the 16th though. Will get good a drunk there for sure. I need it.   Well that is about all for now. Expect



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