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Skythe Reviews Bioshock Infinite Reviews

I'm too lazy to make a video. If you're not friends with me on Facebook, I'll explain what I'm doing. My plan is to review reviews of different forms of media (mostly games). Due to everyone on this planet thinking they can review whatever and prove that you can make money without knowledge and get away with it makes the veins in my head increase in size. So here...we...go.   Bioshock Infinite, if you're retarded or live in your grandmother's vagina, is the latest entry in the Bioshock series. I




The place I'm in looks to be nothing but a dream. A realm of familiarness yet also of distance. But that's not the case. I've covered myself with a few lacerations here and there with a cooking knife, hoping each one after the other is the true cut to wake me up. I'm obviously in the kitchen of the house I stay. Dark. My mind tells me I shouldn't be here.   I can see a reflection of a face on the mirror. It's laughing and keeping a grin on it's self. I have no idea if it's laughing at me or of s



How to obtain a nickname.

Drink all the alcohol that your stomach claims as it's favorites and walk to any random homeless person and shout out anything that comes to mind.     Conversations will ensue



Rock Band is forever ruined for me

Just recently (a la yesterday), I checked out some news for the LEGO Rock Band game. David Bowie and Iggy Pop will be in it in LEGO form. I'm not pissed about that. It's the Rock Bandwagon fans. They bitched and bitched about Guitar Hero having celebrities in it or "selling out" by making so many games either numerical or a certain band related, yet etched Hypocrite on their own tombstones.   I hate these fuckers. They've gone around talking about how great it is to have a LEGO game, Beatles, 1



I Hate Voodoo

Have you ever woken up and had the strange feeling that someone has sprinkled voodoo juice all over ya? Hmm, no?! Well damn, I'm alone on this one then I guess.   I think I need a chicken, a golf ball and the May 1997 issue of Playboy to cure myself of this.   I hate it. Ever since the movie Candyman came out, everyone's been voodooing. Course, they always fuck it up. Trying to chant a word for someone to die by the plague and you made you're coworker have a tail. Pinning a doll in the stomach s



[ORIGINAL] MyFace, world's worst dating service

Did you just see that? My awesome literary skills just combined Myspace and Facebook. God damn I'm awesome.   Anyways. I've done some important (a la bored out of my flocking skull) research as of lately. The act of "dating" is the world's worst invention ever. Can you really consider dating an invention? Oh well, it is now.   Upon my investigation I smoked a full pack of cigarettes in 1 hour mainly to look as badass as those 1950/60 detectives on TV. I bet if William Shatner as Captain Kirk smo



No Ting Tings, Yes Lousy Mexican Food

Ultimately denied. Me and friend arrived in Jacksonville, Fl. We were both hungry so we decided to eat at our favorite pizza restuarant. As we walked to the general area we both got pissed as the business is no longer there and the windows were litered with For Rent signs. So we ate at this "new" Mexican restuarant next to it. We got some waiter that couldn't even speak normal gibberish. I swore he kept asking me if I wanted a penny. The food sucked major ass. No taste to it all. Then we stood i



The Reunion of Skythe and Live Shows

Me and a friend about to go see The Ting Tings @ Jack Rabbits in Florida (I think in Jacksonville, been awhile since I was there). I'm excited since it's been more than a year since I've seen a show. I'll to post videos, I have to find my damn disc for my camera so I can upload all this crap.



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