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Snowboarding and Christmas

This past Sunday I attempted snowboarding for the first time in my life. Suffice to say I no longer have knees. <_< Well, they are in bad shape. My left knee is completely covered in multi-colored bruises, and my right knee is swelling up to the size of a ping pong ball. I blame the snow at the resort for this. There was no real snow AT ALL. Only mad made snow, which was really just small chunks of ice. Every time I fell, I either hit solid ice or deep, wet ice. And, since this was my first day snowboarding EVER, I fell one hell of a lot. :thumbsup1: I didn't really accomplish anything, either. I cannot toe-side or heel-side turn, and I cannot stop (without falling :thumbsup1: ). I'm supposed to go to a ski hill with my friends after Christmas, so we'll see how that shapes up.


Here's my list:

Action Replay DS

PSP Communicator Headset

Okami [PS2]

Tekken: Dark Resurrection [PSP]

The Movies: Stunts and Effects Expansion [PC]

Visual Quickstart Guide: HTML, XHTML, and CSS

Final Fantasy III [NDS]

“The Cheat” Hooded Sweatshirt

Visual Quickstart Guide: JavaScript and Ajax

Guild Wars: Nightfall [PC]

Half-Life 2 Game of the Year Edition [PC]

“Strong Bad Sings” CD

Scythe Aluminum HDD Cooling Fan/Heatsink

Teach Yourself Visually: HTML (2nd Edition)

Windows 95/98 BsoD T-Shirt

Antec Super Cyclone Blower

Elite Beat Agents [NDS]

Visual Quickpro Guide: PHP and MySQL

Total: 18

Total I will receive: 8

Amount I care: Medium

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Nice list, NightFall isn't that great though :-).

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