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To Do List



Here's what I've got:


Started, but not finished:

Hardware review (been on the list a loong time) :(

Space Invaders driver for FBA

Chip-8 driver for FBA (needs a revision)


Not started:

Re-write/port Neo-Geo CD to FBA



tool to encrypt/decrypt SMA-protected games

tool to figure out bitswaps (of any size, data & address)

R4/M3 firmware patcher (just testing, small fixes left)

Clean up some FBA additions (Romsave)

Fix my X-Box & update FBA-XXX pro

Update/Fix FBA Neo-Geo driver

MAME Neo-Geo driver to FBA driver converter

Modify conc.cpp so FBA can use Kawaks/Nebula/MAME cheats. :)

1 Comment

Recommended Comments

I dream or you make works "Ironclad " ?Because it is a NEOGEO CD game ... excelent ... do you will to make work the others fives games CD who are not in cartridge ?It will be the best if you do that ...Crossed Swords 2 (U), Final Romance 2 (J), Ironclad Brikinger Chotetsu (U), Last Hope (J), Oshidashi Zintrick (U), Samurai Spirits RPG (J).Thanks

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