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DSpot 1st Birthday

Some of you may know, and some may not, of this nice little forum called DSpot. :naughty: DSpot is a forum for talking about all things Nintendo from the Wii to the DS. It's still a small forum with just over 100 members, and lately there's been a bit of a posting draught. :roll1: Also, today marks 1 year sice Twilightlink and Kobayashi opened up DSpot to the public. Hopefully DSpot will be able to last another year and gain another 100 members, which is why I come to you:


DSpot is a really cool place and I really like it, so I don't want to see it die. Please just come visit us and see if you like it. Tell your friends, too!

- Mooney

www.dspot.co.nr OR dspot.1emulation.com


Thank you, Gamecop, for providing us with hosting space and a spot on the list. :roll1:


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