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Birthday Plans

Got mah 17th b-day coming up on April 10th. Big plans. BIG plans. Sorta.


First, on Sunday April 6th, I'm going to see Behemoth (currently one of my favorite bands) and Dimmu Borgir play at The Rave with some friends (tickets are b-day presents from the parental units). One of the opening bands, Burial Ritual, is a local band I've seen before, so I know for sure there'll be lots of brutal music to be heard and hopefully pits up the wazoo. Good times are guaranteed, as well as a sore neck.


Then, Thursday April 10th is my b-day. There will be cake. Actually pie, because cake frosting makes me vomit. Or maybe it'll be a giant cookie... But I'll also get to decide what/where to eat for dinner, which means we'll either be getting Greek food or Chinese. Or maybe Indian... They don't call me "Mr. Decisive" for nothing, you know.


Finally, Saturday April 12th is my b-day party. There's a LAN gaming center near me where about 7~10 friends and I will go to play some games and eat some pizza. Being the only PC gamer in the group, I will most likely pwn, as I have in years past. Birthday bonus.


So yeah. Just have to get through a few more days of school and the good times shall roll.


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