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Life is a drag

Well the last month or so has been hell. All in one week found out my Mom has cancer of the skin around her lip and my 4 year old nephew as leukemia. So it has been hell. I have been helping my sister with my nephew a lot lately and been going to Moms doctor appointments even though she says she can go alone. The good news is that Moms cancer is not spreadable they say. The have to cut most of her lower lip out and then make sure they got it all and let it heal. Then they will do reconstructive surgery. Mom says she is going to not go outside till she has plastic surgery done. And she will wear a veil around the house. I am just glad it is not spreading and I will have her around for a bit longer. Her surgery is the first on June I believe.


Now for my nephew he has the 2nd worst leukemia but they say he may be in remission in about 3 month of Chemo. He has to take steroids which make him swell at the face and belly. He eats a lot more too. Guess the roids makes him hungry. He does not have much energy anymore and it starting to lose some hair. They say he will be on his meds that he takes for 3 1/2 years and will be checked every 6 months once he goes into remission. I am just glad he will live to see a few more birthdays he is too young to go.


Now for the rest of my life. Business is slow. Lost my major account due to this recession we are going through. They just shut down. So money is tight now. I do have a few more accounts but losing that one hurt. Had to let my part time employee, go hated to do that. Plus trip to Japan is off as well. The price of gasoline alone makes it hard for my business. Oh well easy come easy go.


As far as entertainment. Well I still got a couple concerts lined up I am going to. Looking forward to seeing Warrant with Cinderella and also Poison with Dokken. Have been playing a few local clubs still and drinking myself to alcoholism. Hey we all got to go sometime. Anyway that is about it for now. So Rock Till Ya Drop and Turn Up The Volume.

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My heart breaks when little kids have to go through such difficult things. I wish the best for you and your family.

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