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My days for the last few

Well Mom had her surgery last Thursday and Friday. Everything went as planned and only time will tell if they actually got it all. They say the did and she will have a scare from the left corner of her lip to the bottom of her chin. She does not like that it will be a visible scare but hey like I told her at least you are alive.


My nephew is now in remission so that is great news on that end. But as you all may not be aware of Indiana has had some pretty crappy weather as of late. The southern part of the state is mostly underwater from mass flooding. I had to go help my sister and her 3 kids out of their house Saturday. The got over 11 inches of rain in a matter of hours and the water was too the top of her house when I go there. Her car was floating in the driveway. I had to help to of her kids as the could not swim. It was one scary moment. The water rose from say 3 feet high to about 12 feet high in a matter of minutes. Took forever to get out of there as well as most roads where closed. The flood closed 3 major interstates so I had to take back roads to try and get out of there. At times we went through water as high as the the bottom of the windows of the truck. The water was moving as well. But we made it and I got here to my house safely. So I got a few extra guests now. To top it off we are getting more rain right now. They say another 3 inches is possible as we don't need that.


On a plus note I am helping her landlord repair the damage to the house as soon as the water recedes . I am getting paid for that. I also got some work from others there when the found out I had a general contractor licenses. So I called a few friends of mine and we will be doing about 6 homes all together. I nice chunk of change. But more then that it is good to help those who lost everything they have.


So that is it my life is going to be busy as hell for a couple weeks.


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So, where is Jitway these days?



I tried messaging him on AIM/MSN, no reply. I even e-mailed him.

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