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I'm here

I'm here to tell you the story of a boy wonder, who was destroyed by his own goal he had achieved in the future, and was considered the ray of light in the darkened barrel of his tiny family. Upon being born, his family smiled, their first child, brought into this world while his father was going threw the same test the kid is smiling through in the present. The mother, only holding a green card and her ability to love, taught this child her skill. Now children are fusions of both parents, whether or not their presence is active while the teaching takes place, this law would explain the temper tantrums this boy would throw as his brain laughed at the experience of childhood. Although at first, they were merely cries for cookie dough and chocolate ice cream, his fathers rage would soon conquer the boy wonder, and his evil thrown upon the "friends" of his jail cell, school. He learned how music was amazing, watched the stories of both written and screen, and even drew like the art teacher demanded. With complete struggle, he began crying "monsters" at those who appeared in control, anger was all the was present, he was tired of being a 2nd prisoner, he wanted to be the warden. One day he decided to be with his father at his job, the man cared for his children, the anger he had was still in need of control, but he cared. The boy watched the man leaded the groups of many and poor, who all desired one thing, to live another day, and let their children gain ability of skill. He leaded that day in rage, and this inspired him to unleash himself on the day of entertainment. Nearly killing the teacher, he was stamped with insanity on his papers, and forced into the corner. The corner was all that was left that year, and in that corner, he learned to accept being hated.


It's still truth, that hatred is all I feel.


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