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The NYC Trip - Prologue

I'll just post a new post bout my trip later. Some good stuff happened, such as seeing some I haven't seen in nearly 15 years. Met lots of 2nd and 3rd cousins, who may or may not be once or twice removed, and a number of them are, for the lack of a better term, hot. Also smart and all around fukwin. You know, the type of girls I usually go for. Asian, shorter then me, hot+cute, smart in all sorts of ways. I won't be dropping any names, but damn, 2nd/3rd cousins ftw? Also met a few uncles and aunts and some very good stories have been told to me. A large number of randomness in Congers/NYC stories as well, such as picking someone up across the street from the median.


I also know how to get around NYC now. I believe I know the jist of it by heart.





My family is ridicuously large.





More to come...


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