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Yay summers over

I'm amazed at how fast summer flew by. The few tricks I've learned a long the way, and how the emotion of "awesome" sitting in my heart for opening my eyes to new abilities and tricks I never knew I possessed. Now I'm left with a decision, a choice, to either give it my all or stay chill as I've always ever been. Do I stay wearing my mask? Appear tired when the race merely started? Or do I go ahead and munch at my brain, and force it to work, and better itself as a human being to further prepare myself for the even harsher road impeded upon me in the later years. Questions, that is all I have at the moment, for when high school started, however unpredictable those 4 years where, I was forever knowledgeable of the outcome. Now I have about 42 years of freedom down in front of me. 42 years to make a name for myself and be known. Do I let it go by like the majority?


Whether or not I give it my all, I know one thing for sure, I need to start doing more then just thinking about the future.


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