Zinc Plugins
Zinc Plugins
6 files
JAMMA keyboard driver for Zinc
By Alpha
This is a JAMMA keyboard driver for the Zinc emulator.
P.E.Op.S. Software Renderer for Zinc
By Alpha
The P.E.Op.S. soft gpu plugin is based on Pete's soft gpus for Windows and Linux. This is mainly used for the Zinc emulator.
From the readme file:
Windows: copy the file "gpuPeopsSoft.dll" into the main emu
plugins directory.
Linux: copy the file "libgpuPeopsSoftX.so.1.0.x" or the file
"libgpuPeopsSDL.so" (FPSE SDL version) into the main emu plugins
directory. Copy the file "gpuPeopsSoftX.cfg" into the main
emu "cfg" directory, or into the main emu directory, or into your
home directory.
Notes for use with ZiNc:
You have to use the "--renderer=..." command line switch to load
the plugin (or rename the plugin DLL to "renderer.znc" and copy it
into the main ZiNc directory). For configuration you can specify
the Peops .cfg with the ZiNc "--use-renderer-cfg-file=..." command
line switch, or (Windows only) simply don't specify a .cfg file,
then automatically the settings in the Windows registry will be used.
Of course that will mean that you will need some Win psx emu to
configure the plugin.
Glide Renderer for Zinc
By Alpha
This is a Glide Renderer for the Zinc emulator.
From the readme file located in the zip archive:
The renderer requires a Glide³-compatible graphics card.
The following is a list of Glide³-compatible graphics cards:-
3dfx Voodoo Graphics [various manufacturers produced these cards]
3dfx Voodoo Rush [various manufacturers produced these cards]
3dfx Voodoo² [various manufacturers produced these cards]
3dfx Voodoo Banshee [various manufacturers produced these cards]
3dfx Voodoo³
3dfx Voodoo4
3dfx Voodoo5
If your graphics card is not listed above, then it is not
compatible with this renderer. IT WILL NOT WORK!!
If your card is listed above, and you still have problems,
then make sure you are using the latest 3dfx reference drivers
for your graphics card (NOT the inbuild OS drivers, as these
do not support Glide).
3dfx never released drivers for WindowsXP, so you have to use
one of the hacked driver sets available to enable Glide support.
OpenGL and D3D renderers for Zinc
By Alpha
Please Note: This file is already included in the latest version of the Zinc frontend, Zenith.
These are OpenGL and D3D renderers for the Zinc emulator.
Winterblast Input Controller for Zinc
By Alpha
Please Note: This file is already included in the latest version of the Zinc frontend, Zenith.
Winterblast input controller is a plugin for Zinc.
- zinc
- winterblast
- (and 2 more)
System 11 Player for Zinc
By Alpha
Please Note: This file is already included in the latest version of the Zinc frontend, Zenith.
R.Belmont, the author of ZiNc, has released a test DLL that will let zinc run the system 11 games faster! Here's what he said: