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About This File

The Official Support Forum is hosted by 1Emulation at http://neosource.1emu.net/


Final Burn Alpha is a multi-arcade emulator for the following arcade platforms:


* Capcom CPS-1

* Capcom CPS-2

* Capcom CPS-3

* Neo Geo

* Cave

* Sega System 16 (and similar), System 18, X-Board, Y-Board

* Toaplan

* Taito

* Psikyo 68EC020 based hardware

What's New in Version   See changelog


  • * Added driver for Psychic 5 [Barry, iq_132]
  • * Added clone of Toki to the driver [JacKc]
  • * Preliminary savestate support for the Megadrive driver [dink]
  • * Fixed an issue with the Enhanced D3D blitter [dink]
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