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About This File

The P.E.Op.S. soft gpu plugin is based on Pete's soft gpus for Windows and Linux. This is mainly used for the Zinc emulator.


From the readme file:





Windows: copy the file "gpuPeopsSoft.dll" into the main emu

plugins directory.


Linux: copy the file "libgpuPeopsSoftX.so.1.0.x" or the file

"libgpuPeopsSDL.so" (FPSE SDL version) into the main emu plugins

directory. Copy the file "gpuPeopsSoftX.cfg" into the main

emu "cfg" directory, or into the main emu directory, or into your

home directory.


Notes for use with ZiNc:

You have to use the "--renderer=..." command line switch to load

the plugin (or rename the plugin DLL to "renderer.znc" and copy it

into the main ZiNc directory). For configuration you can specify

the Peops .cfg with the ZiNc "--use-renderer-cfg-file=..." command

line switch, or (Windows only) simply don't specify a .cfg file,

then automatically the settings in the Windows registry will be used.

Of course that will mean that you will need some Win psx emu to

configure the plugin.


What's New in Version 1.18b


  • Version 1.18b: small update for users who had crashes with V1.18
  • Version 1.18: visual rumble feature (epsxe 1.7.0), special game fix 'fake gpu busy', adjusted fps limit, added MxC display filters, save state pic fixed (MS Vista)

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