About This File
HBMAME contains homebrews and hacks not found in the regular MAME.
Available in 32 and 64 bits, command-line and GUI versions. For Windows XP and later.
What's New in Version 0.173 See changelog
- 2016-04-27 0.173
- ----------------
- Thanks to all those who helped gather the newest hacks.
- - NewUI is added but turned off by default
- - Started adding hacks from MultiJet
- New Games
- ---------
- - [androdunpx] Andro Dunos (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- - [aofbh] Art of Fighting (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [aof2b1] Art of Fighting 2 (Boss hack)
- - [aof2bh] Art of Fighting 2 (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [aof3bh] Art of Fighting 3 (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [bjourneypx] Blue's Journey / Raguy (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- - [breakersbh] Breakers (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [breakersy] Breakers (Boss Robert PPX Team hack remixed by ZKW)
- - [breakrevb] Breakers Revenge (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [breakrevpp] Breakers Revenge (Enhanced Power hack by Pipi899 11/06/09)
- - [breakrevy] Breakers Revenge (Boss Robert PPX Team hack remixed by ZKW)
- - [columnsncd] Columns (CD conversion)
- - [ct2k3ifz] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Ice FZ Remix)
- - [ct2k3xx] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Blood Edition)
- - [ct2k3ys] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Red Fire Remix)
- - [ctomadaypx] Captain Tomaday (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- - [dti] Duck Tales Intro [Raregame]
- - [doubledre2] Double Dragon Q (Boss hack Easy Special Attacks)
- - [doubledres] Double Dragon (Boss hack Easy Special Attacks)
- - [doubledrhp] Double Dragon (Boss Hack Perfect Edition hack by Blackheart 19/09/09)
- - [eightmaneb] Eight Man (Enhanced Version hack by Blackheart 22/08/09)
- - [ennemi] Neogeo demo [by Kannagi]
- - [fatfury2b] Fatal Fury 2 (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [fatfury3bh] Fatal Fury 3 (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [fatfurspbs] Fatal Fury Special (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [fatfurspbt] Fatal Fury Special (BT Version PPX Team hack)
- - [fightfevbs] Fight Fever (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [galaxyfgb] Galaxy Fight (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [gowcaizrb] Voltage Fighter (Boss hack by Wesker (FGCH))
- - [gowcaizrbs] Voltage Fighter (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [gowcaizrrv] Voltage Fighter (Boss Revised Version 05/10/09)
- - [gpilotspx] Ghost Pilots (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- - [kof97rev] KOF'97 Revival 2016 (hack of Kof'97 Plus 2003)
- - [kof98f]
- - [lbowlingcd] League Bowling (CD conversion)
- - [pbcrazyb1] Puzzle Bobble Crazy beta 1 [by Elrayzeur]
- - [pbcrazyb2] Puzzle Bobble Crazy beta 2 [by Elrayzeur]
- - [poknightcd] Poker Night (CD conversion)
- - [poknightfr] Poker Night (French)
- - [rbffspecbs] Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Boss hack Yumeji)
- - [samsh5sph] Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Bloodlust hack)
- - [samsh5spha] Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Final set 1 hack by Wesker)
- - [samsh5sphb] Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Final set 2 hack by Wesker)
- - [samsh5sphc] Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Final set 3 hack by Wesker)
- - [samsh5spn] Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (fully decrypted)
- - [samsh5spnh3] Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Enhanced Blood v3.0 hack by Eddids, Snk2003)
- - [samsh5spnzk] Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Hack by Zuojie, Kof1996 23/10/08)
- - [shocktr2px] Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- - [shocktrosp] Shock Troopers (Super Plus hack by e107 18/08/09)
- - [sonicwi2eh] Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2 (Hack alternate set by Robert)
- - [sonicwi2px] Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2 (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- - [sonicwi3eh] Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 (Hack alternate set by Robert)
- - [sonicwi3h] Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 (ExChar hack by Wesker)
- - [sonicwi3px] Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3 (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- - [spinmastpx] Spin Master / Miracle Adventure (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- - [ssidekicd] Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou (CD conversion)
- - [superspycd] The Super Spy (CD conversion)
- - [tophuntrpx] Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- - [twinsprih] Twinkle Star Sprites (ExChar hack by Yumeji)
- - [trallycd] Thrash Rally (CD conversion)
- - [viewpoinf] Viewpoint (French by NEOARC Team)
- - [wh1bs] World Heroes (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [wh2bs] World Heroes 2 (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- - [wh2jb] World Heroes 2 Jet (Boss hack by 0days (EGCG))
- - [whphez] World Heroes Perfect (Boss hack by Zeng_K)
- - [whpsp] World Heroes Perfect (Special Boss hack by Yashional)
- - [whpss] World Heroes Perfect (SS v1.0 hack by Eddids (EGHT) 12/25/07)
- - [wjammersf] Windjammers (French v0.1 beta by Elrayzeur)
- - [zintrckbh] Zintrick hack [by Yumeji]
With version 0.173:
- Download