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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2020 in all areas

  1. I just posted 0.91.1. Since last night : - lots of hex numbers were not identified in the cheats conversion from the xml, much better now (particularly for the masks) - cheats using watches with loops inside are now supported ! - you could not disable sound, not sure if it was for all drivers but probably. Setting emulate sound = no and then going back to the game was reseting this to yes ! I guess nobody tried to disable the sound for a very long time ! It's fixed, but notice that some games don't like to have sound disabled and you can get errors if you try to do that (in neogeo for example, you get a nice error about the z80 !). That's quite a lot of fixes, oh well the conversion was huge, I couldn't hope to have everything right in 1 go, let's just hope it's closer to perfect now ! Still the same link : http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html
    2 points
  2. It's fixed, but I forgot do do it before the release, it's very minor anyway, just a typo error which was unnoticed for very long, the update is done but it doesn't show in the dialog, you can just exit from the dialog then call it again and the input will show. It will be in next release. And the change for associations is in 0.91.1 of course !
    1 point
  3. And quite a few bugs found again (related to cheats of course). 0.91.1 is under way... probably tomorrow ! The biggest one : "Set" cheats were running continually instead of just once ! And the watch cheats were forgotten in the conversion, the result did nothing simply (those which display something instead of changing it). And a few errors with hex numbers in some cheats. And don't try anymore to load cheats from the parent for clones, we now have all cheats, and when a clone has none it's probably not a good idea to try those of the parent, for example : pacman25, the invicibility cheat has a surprising effect ! And a bug when reading scripts which did not finish with an empty line, it often produced a crash when trying to activate the last cheat of the list ! 0.91.1 should be much better, but I prefer to do that in the morning !
    1 point
  4. Ok, I finally had an idea, if you used too often save and load, it's possible you saved or loaded in the middle of a sound command, the z80 accepts commands on more than 1 byte often. So I added something to save the status of the sound command now. The bad news is I can't do anything about your saves, they don't have this status saved, and I can't do anything about it. You'll just have to test again and see how it works... It's not even guaranteed to be better, I am not sure to perfectly emulate what the z80 does with these associations, maybe there's something I missed there, but since I don't have all the sound commands you received I can't do more about it. So here is the binary only, based on 0.91, test if you can and report ! raine-assoc.7z
    1 point
  5. Well the 1st still points to track 22 (the file, because it's not sound command 22), except that the z80 receives a command to stop the music as soon as the save is loaded, no idea why. The 2nd is muted for I don't know which reason, that is the virtual cd audio which serves for playing these audio tracks and which is saved in the savegame has its status which says "do nothing", which it does very well, so I her nothing here too. And for the 3rd I didn't have the mapping and didn't try to add it, so nothing also here for me. At least I don't have the "many tracks playing at the same time" that you seemed to experience. I wonder if you didn't hit some kind of buffer overlow by loading/saving too much ? Normally it shouldn't happen, but there seems to be a problem somewhere, and for what I can tell it works very well in a "normal situation" : tried to save during the intro sequence, it reloads perfectly with music playing exactly where it was when saved. I think I'll try to keep this a little more, maybe do a few tests to see if I can hit a buffer overflow, but not sure. I am ready to release the cheats at least, quite huge, but it's not an emergency at this point ! After testing some more : no idea how you broke the restoration, if you find something more about that I am interested, but meanwhile I think I'll release 0.91 with all its new cheats !
    1 point
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