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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2021 in all areas

  1. I think this time it should work, I have a working test program for the gui (even if it's basic) and I am making good progress for the rest, even if it's awfully long to do... A patch of almost 900 kb so far, and it's not over, still quite a lot to do ! Things to expect : - no more normal blits ! This sdl2 is really different, there is almost no way to have direct access to the screen pixels like before, it's possible but not accelerated, so advised against. I'll keep the code, might be useful later to combine a scaler with something else, but for now they are gone. Those still in love with normal blits after all this time will have to stay with an old version... ! - the yuv overlays are gone too. For them it's because they have become useless : they were 1st done as a 1st approach to scaling to fullscreen in any resolution without opengl. Well today it's very hard to find a computer without opengl, and the picture with yuv overlays is not so good, so for now they are leaving too, but they are still supported in sdl2 if they are needed one day... So the only 2 rendering methods for now are opengl like before, and sdl2 native which uses either opengl or direct3d behind the scene, but is a lot easier to handle than native 3d programming. What's better then ? Well small things mainly, except in windows where the gui had become unusable without opengl blits, at least it will fix this mess for sure. Except that yes the gui can be rotated when rotating the screen, very easily, even if it's not done yet. Detects when a joystick is plugged or unplugged without relaunching, and it should be easier to assign a joystick to some specific inputs (will test that later). SDL_sound doesn't require any external lib anymore which means less dlls in the archive, good thing. Since everyting is 3d now, we have real hardware transparency, so it's easy to have some animation working in the background instead of a static picture like before. This is already done in the gui test program, just for fun ! There might be some better ways to render emudx games too since flip and rotation are supported in hardware now, will have to experiment. One of the biggest reason to upgrade for non windows users is simply the fact that this sdl2 is actively maintained contrary to sdl-1.2... Ah also it might allow to make an android version... well it would be a non asm version of course, but it should work. Also I hope to still be able to build the sdl-1.2 version at the end, just in case it's needed. I did this kind of update once when moving from allegro, but it was not so violent at the time, sdl-1.2 like allegro was using bitmaps to access the screen. It's not the case anymore in sdl2, and it changes a ton of things. For the gui, it can't update just a portion of the screen, so the whole thng needs to be redrawn all the time, it's very fast so it's working well, but it completely changes the way it works internally. Anyway I hope to see the end of it soon, since there should be bad weather in the following days, I hope to finish it then !
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