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  1. HBMAME and HBMAMEUI 0.238 32bit avaliable (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE
    1 point
  2. ... and I got a cold. No kidding, got an electric scooter and the wind was just freezing the other morning, I didn't feel my hands anymore on arrival, and got a cold through my nose ! So finishing this might take more time, and even if the biggest part is done, there are still lots of small things to look into. Some small improvement I noticed in sdl2 : vsync support is better in opengl (and likely in sdl2 native too), now it supports adaptive vsync if your driver supports it (you'll see if it's supported in "video info" after having run something in opengl), and more importantly, I could never fix the tearing in windowed mode before (specially visible in a game like batrider, in the intro after inserting a coin, the super big letters crossing the screens from right to left there is nothing worse than that for tearing), well now no visible tearing anymore even in windowed mode, finally ! For adaptive vsync, it's like vsync but if you've already missed the vertical retrace for a given frame, it swaps buffers immediately, which might be less jarring for the user during occasional framerate drops, which should normaly never happen in raine anyway but it can't hurt to have it. The key configs are now saved in sections ending in config_sdl2 instead of just config before in raine.cfg and games.cfg. That's because too many keys are now different, and it's better to go back to the default keys than having most of the keys not recognized and not responding. Also raine has never been easier to compile than now, especially in windows with mingw, I'll probably update the notes on how to compile, but in a nutshell : you get the msys2 installer, it installs 4 shells, but only 2 of them are interesting for raine, either the 32 bits or the 64 bits one, you choose your flavor, then install gcc, g++, and nasm + the basic environment tools. Then all the libs are available as packages, you just need to install git (to get raine sources, although you can get a zip file from github if you prefer), sdl2, sdl2_image, sdl2_ttf, muParser, and that's all. All this can be installed in just 1 command line using their pacman tool. After that cd to the sources directory, type make, or make -j4 if you have at least 4 cores, and after a few seconds you'll have your new binary... ! If you try that on current git sources, the makefile will build a debug build, you have to edit it to build an optimized binary, but it's explained in comments at the beginning of the file and very easy to do.
    1 point
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