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  1. It was epic, with 2 months where I simply gave up about this before returning to it finally, anyway... ! What to say about it ? It's huge, it's probably the version with the most changes inside even if there are almost no changes on the emulation side, except for the bug fixes I made while testing things. The 1st goal was to get rid of the opengl blits in windows while having a usable gui even in fullscreen, it's done. By the way it's a "desktop fullscreen" meaning it's just an invisible window using the whole desktop place, so it behaves exactly like a normal fullscreen and normally you don't see any difference. Also the games using rasters and the emudx games work correctly (didn't test all the emudx games, just 2, but the rest should be ok). The keys configuration has changed, because keys constants have changed in sdl2, so even if it still reads its configuration from the same file, it reads the keys from a new section, with -sdl2 at the end of the name of the section. Sorry for those who had a lot of custom inputs, but there were too many incompatible changes, it's better to restart from scratch here. New "game controllers" interface, so that you can plug or unplug a joystick during game play without problem, don't abuse this though, I tested it a little, but not sure I tested all the possible cases. And joystick 1 in raine won't become joystick 2 just because you plugged a new joystick. There is also a new command in the inputs menu "joysticks indexes" to change these joysticks positions if you have at least 2 joysticks plugged. There's a lot less changes in the configuration saved for the joysticks, maybe a few buttons will be different in configs which use more than 4 buttons though, just check and adapt... Also if you use a gamepad recognized by sdl2, the digital cross on the left should be automatically mapped to the left stick, so it can be used for movement without doing anything. The sound has a new 48 Khz option which is almost useless, just added that for testing. Opengl has the adaptive vsync now, check in "video info" after playing something to see if it works for you. Better vsync in windowed mode, but I double checked you can disable vsync if you want in "renderer options", yeah it works, but it didn't last night ! There is no video driver selection for windows anymore, useless normally. A new video renderer "sdl2 native", mainly for testing, not spectacular, and no specific options for now. Notice the opengl rendering is not super optimized yet, all the games are rendered in 32 bits, the simplest solution, but not the fastest one. It's enough for current hardware... Same thing for emudx, it could be remade using new functions for better performance... The gui has the most obvious changes, a simple animation now runs behind the transparent menus, if you load a game it starts in the background behind the menus, but if you start to play it's paused when you return to the gui, like before. While testing things the most obvious bugs fixed were : - all the cps1 games using 6 buttons had lost their 3 1st buttons ! It's due to the code to include inputs from another game, went too fast on this one, this time it should be fixed for good. - and bubble bobble has been broken in the 64 bits version since version 0.91.14, which was released about 9 months ago ! At least it's not a generic bug, it's something very specific to this driver, it's an old thing with non portable ideas inside which created a black screen on boot here, it's fixed anyway. - commands displayed from the command.dat file (like the buttons of 1941 in the "controls" section) were bad for quite some time, it's fixed too. There is a new index_roms file with this binary, it's to get the sizes of the roms from the internet archive so that the dialog is not inert while it's downloading since their server doesn't send the size of the file before the download starts. The 2 vera fonts have been replaced by DejaVu versions, which look about the same but contain more utf8 characters inside to be able to display more things without problems. they don't contain Japanese characters though. There might be a few other things I forgot. Well it's so huge that I can't be sure there won't be any problem anyway, we'll see... ! Don't forget to grab the dlls32-0.92 or dlls-0.92 file depending on the version you are using, it's bigger with plenty of useless stuff inside, but it's the price of using precompiled packages in mingw32 and mingw64, it simplifies things and allows fast updates, but it's bigger on disk. http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html
    1 point
  2. Not so fast for me, it was long, but yeah it was time to slow down and to get some feed back... missed it ok... You can also lower the transparency for the background color, or increase the min font size (I should increase the default value here). I have an idea of another presentation for the game selection dialog, but I didn't want to do it now, I wanted a 1st release as fast as possible, and it was long enough... How did you learn to identify "bi-linear filtering" ? And where do you see it exactly, behind the main menu or after that using play ? It was supposed to be alt+return, something went wrong in the encoding of default keys, I'll have a look... I think it's more probably a timing issue, there is no way an emulator would change how the inputs are from the left side or the right side... I didn't map everything, just started with button 1 on ctrl, then mapped some buttons where it seemed logical. Stopped around caps lock which I used as a test. v, b, n were really not convenient as default button inputs, but you can't map 6 buttons starting on ctrl clearly. The current mapping is fine for 3 buttons configs or less. I am open for suggestions here... ?! What's wrong with that ? I mean if you don't want to use the dpad, just don't use it. Did you use for something else ? As it is now you can't remap it anyway. I'll need more details on that one. I didn't test the analog inputs, they should be redone differently anyway. I don't see if you noticed, but the window handling changed a little too, it should keep the size and position of the window better, even quiting the emulator in fullscreen, in sdl-1.2 you had to use a hack for the window postion and it was done only for windows, now there is a real function for that and it's done for everyone... Thanks for the quite lengthy report already anyway ! I have noticed another problem with the merged inputs, in popbounc again, I am on it, but more slowly... ! EDIT : ok, fixed the mousewheel, it has a separate event now to be able to handle horizontal scroll wheels... ! I just ignore that, I only handle the vertical one, avoiding all the fancy stuff. By the way the reason I didn't notice that is that I don't use the mouse wheel and almost never use the mouse in raine, it's really more efficient to use it with the keyboard, just type the 1st characters of a game to go to it in the game selection dialog, and the 1st characters of any menu item anywhere in the interface, blazingly fast... ! That's also why I use the english version of the gui (too many menu items start with the same letters in french !) and why the menu item to change controls in english is called "inputs" and not "controls" ! Also fixed the modifiers for the emulator keys, and at the same time the handling of scancodes - the keys which don't have a symbol and just a scancode, the left gui or windows key is in this case but since it opens the windows menu by default it's harder to use !). If you want to have the right default keys for the emulators you'll have to delete the section in your config file or restart with a new one. The number of keys with only a symbol has been dramatically reduced in sdl2, the gui keys, the menu one on the right if you have it, + the multimedia keys, but everything standard has a symbol (a sym code) now. And fixed again the problem about merged inputs for popbounc, is it the last time ? Actually this thing was a trap from mame, that's something I wouldn't have used in the inputs because too many possibilities of errors, but they used that in mame in their inputs and since I imported quite a few definitions from them, I thought it was a good idea at the time, without thinking too much about it... ! Oh well, now I think I have rounded it quite well, but it took me some time for sure, it looks innocent, but it's more complex than what it seems... ! And in the end, it's not a bad idea, just a dangerous one !
    1 point
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