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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2021 in all areas

  1. It's mainly something to fix the little problems of 0.92... The dlls change again to address the incompatibility with xp of the previous set in 32 bits (there seems to be other problems with xp related to the 3d, but at least it's not a stupid message from microsoft to tell you are not allowed to run this in xp anymore !), and it's changed too for the 64 bits version because it allows me to make both versions the same way, + it's almost half the size of the previous archive. The only dlls packages listed in the download page are the ones required for the latest version, so just update and it should be ok. Except that, mostly fixes for 0.92 as I said. The key codes change again, we switch to all scancodes to be able to have default keys which don't change with each international mapping, but you have nothing to do here, it will overwrite all the keyboard configuration if it reads an config file from the previous versions. The joysticks use some saner defaults too but for them I didn't overwrite the config sections in case you have something fixed on your side which is different from the default. The famous bug found by mer-curious which prevented special moves from the right side in msh is fixed, and there was again a problem with merged inputs which should be fixed for good this time. Also you have the option of integer scaling in opengl. I tested it, and I am not convinced, there's no real improvement in the scaled image for me, but I left the option, you can test it and report in the forum. (The option is in "renderer options" for opengl). Also sdl is updated to 2.0.18, actually they mostly add new functions, it's very different from sdl-1.2 which was frozen in time, for now I don't use them, but updated anyway... http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html
    1 point
  2. I'd say the video driver is the main cause here, but you might want to visit this page to update your xp as much as possible, it won't hurt : https://retrosystemsrevival.blogspot.com/2019/12/unofficial-cumulative-windows-xp-update.html
    1 point
  3. video card, drivers, package vc++, dx9 extra files, etc, etc...?
    1 point
  4. Yeah and I am always happy to keep as much compatibility as possible, but it's an extreme case here since I can't even test it... I can test the dos version, it works fine in doxbox and even better in dosemu, but no 3d in xp anymore for me ! And mer-curious for info, you don't even need a specific distribution for old hardware in linux, the kernel by default supports almost anything. They removed some old code about the 386 lately because nobody could maintain it anymore and it was making things unnecessary complex, so you might have problems if you try to make it run on anything less powerful than a pentium (but I think a pentium is the absolute minimum for linux on my side, unless you are doing something very specific, like a text mode only terminal). After that you just need to be reasonable and not try to install the latest 3d desktop with all the fancy effects, and choose something small and fast instead, but you are free to try anything !
    1 point
  5. I test the emulators and inform about their compatibility. Personally I use win11 / 10/8/7 / xp as well as macos or linux. If an emu that I use loses its compatibility then I tell the developers about it, if they can do something so much the better otherwise it's life ^^ Afterwards I think that maintaining a compatibility will always be useful for someone, so as long as it is possible all the better (like retroarch)
    1 point
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