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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2022 in all areas

  1. There's nothing wrong or right about that, it's more a question of taste, some people love to fill the black border of a 4:3 picture on a 16:9 screen even if it kills the ratio, it doesn't change anything for the emulation, it's comparable to these buttons behind the cabinet to stretch the picture. Eventually you could try to get the same conditions as for the original arcade cabinet, but it's hard to get the information of the screen size for all of them. I got it for ssft2, I confirm this one is 4:3, and 1944 too (although 1944 looks very good in 16:9 in my opinion !). From memory the one I saw using a 16:9 screen was a marvel super heroes game, not sure which one though, it was in London, and it was quite a long time ago already... ! Actually ssft2 displayed in 16:9 reminds me of "super gem fighters" from capcom too, they just increased the "flat" effect for super gem fighters ! Maybe there is something more to learn about that, because standard resolution in these days was more like 320x224 or 320x240, that is a solid 4:3 resolution, 384x224 like here is quite far from that, so even if it can be displayed fine on a 4:3 screen, they probably choose such a resolution because they thought about using some 16:9 screens... but I don't know anything about that, just guessing. Anyway adding that is probably a good idea, it's quite astonishing the difference it can make. This function could make some games look ridiculous, if you use it on those ultra wide games like darius or darius2, it will look ridiculous. Well it's just a message which was printed on the console by the original program (if you have a console, so I guess you missed it completely in windows !). They did it like that, I didn't change anything about it, it's better to see it, even if you see a part of it, you can always resize your window, you can even do it while the message box is displayed, but I think it won't display more characters if you do it while it's already displayed ! You can try that, min font size setting is for that, but if you put that too low it will become quite unreadable, and it's useless since you can simply switch to a higher resolution. Ok, ok, just did it, it's funny how you are sensible to this kind of detail... ! Good to know !
    1 point
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