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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2022 in all areas

  1. The invisible cross in the loop checkboxes was simply a bad handling of its colors, it's because the colors changed their encoding in sdl2, I tried to keep some compatibility with the old ones, but it's the last problem here, I switch to the new colors, so next time you'll run raine, you'll have to use the "revert to" option in the colors menu (from options). The sound which loops badly is specific to the mp3 format, at least for me, I don't have it in wav or ogg format. This has been reported there : https://github.com/icculus/SDL_sound/issues/27 The problem is that the author doesn't seem to react much. So for now the best solution is to use ogg or wav instead of mp3, it's not specific to the vbr contrary to what I thought 1st, it cuts the end even with a plain 128k mp3 ! It's possible the problem doesn't happen in the sdl1.2 version, they changed their sound decoders in sdl2_sound, and might have chosen wrongly the mp3 decoder here. It's fixable since it's open source, but it's not an easy task ! Just checked : it also works correctly with flac, it's really specific to mp3 for me. Ok problem fixed by taking back the old mp3 decoder we had for sdl-1.2, and which used mpg123 (it uses minimp3 here). It works, but it requires to link with libmpg123, which means 1 more dll for windows, yeah !!!
    1 point
  2. Sadly no, it's an "update glitch" you could say, with sdl1.2 I could update just tiny regions of what is displayed, now I can't anymore, the whole thing must be redrawn, and it creates problems in this kind of case. My bad, I used audacity to load that, actually the track was playing fine, it's just you don't often hear tracks ending like that, so I confirm there is indeed a problem with the loop setting while using mp3 ! Maybe some other formats. Only way to fix it for now : convert to wav (using audacity for example !), and edit your games.cfg to use the wav version instead of the mp3, it will work flawlessly. Notice that I was stuck at an audacity v2.x, the latest one 3.1.3 has a nice loop button with a tutorial on how to make nice loops, but for this track it seems to loop perfectly without updating it (in wav !). I'll try to fix the mp3 problem later, it's odd we never noticed that earlier though, it's still sdl_sound, I don't think they changed the way they played mp3, so it's probably been there for quite some time... Yeah no worry, I'll have a look, I don't know yet what it is though. Yeah yeah but it's not easy usually !
    1 point
  3. I seem to remember you found something very similar in another kof game, and we never found the solution, and there was no over slow-down found. I might try to take a look, but not now... it's the kind of thing where I'll search for a long time, and it's probably not worth it.
    1 point
  4. I don't have this, only the associated track is played for me. There is a problem about the loop setting though, it plays in loop if there was a sample which was playing in loop when going to this dialog, which is not very reasonable. Tested on the intro song 21h of course, with a short wav sample looping, I hear only the wav file when doing "play track". Yeah you can't see if the box is checked or not, but it seems to accept a change of setting (the setting is correctly saved in the config file but you don't see it on screen). Yeah I know where it's coming from, it's annoying. Yeah well for now associate something which loops to the 1st song, 21h, and when the song starts ingame, go to play anything in this dialog, it should loop ! Yeah I know, it's ridiculous... ! Already replied. Its main purpose was to find the sound effects commands actually, starting a song the usual way, then testing what a given command does to it. I don't have that, I used a 1.79s wav, and it loops perfectly... After seeing at the end of the post that you posted directly your files : encoding problem apparently, I used 2 players to play the file, mpg123 and mpv and both stop before the end, so if it loops it creates this effect, normal. Maybe switching to cbr (constant bitrate) can work around this, or change the encoder. Actually I don't have any player which can play this file to the end, they all stop before it. Ok, bad news for you, you are by far the one who uses this function the most, and since you didn't test kof2001 thoroughly and neither did I, there remained bugs ! For the little story, like all the last games, its z80 rom is based on garou, but it's an evolution of it, and the 2nd array of offsets was wrong here, I was a little rusty for this stuff so it took me a little while to find something which works everywhere (assuming we don't forget another game). It seems to work now. I don't have this, but I don't even have the neogeo music playing for this game, probably a neogeo bios setting. I tried ingame, but it doesn't change colors... Might be windows specific ? Yep, windows specific, I can reproduce it in wine... ! Oh well... switch to linux ?
    1 point
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