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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2022 in all areas

  1. There was a fix in the code for this issue from the beginning of the sdl2 version, except that at some point it became useless and actually recreated the problem, the opposite of what it was supposed to do, probably because it was fixed at the sdl2 level. I didn't notice because I almost never use the windows version, so yes the thing which made me notice was your tests, so it's a good thing. Finally the cross compilation and mingw now target the same version of windows : xp sp2, so this link for win10 will go away, and the dlls package will be updated for next version. Until then, keep this one, next one will be smaller, fewer dlls, but this one works well already. Glad it's finally fixed for good !
    1 point
  2. argh, no luck then ! For the windows 10 only question : probably not, the version required is in a header file but I forgot which one... ! I don't fiddle with windows stuff very often... I'd say win7 would probably work but I am not sure, what is sure is xp wouldn't work with this one. EDIT : I found the stuff, it's WINVER, defined in many places in the mingw headers, it indicate the minimum version required, and it's actually not that high, it just requires xp sp2, which seems very reasonable (it's defined as 0x502, and you can see the versions there : https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/windows/win32/winprog/using-the-windows-headers?redirectedfrom=MSDN ) Except that, well 100% reliable here, so this time try it if you can on your nvidia computer, and hopefully this should work ! For the way the windows is drawn : it's sdl2 stuff. I know it's related to the opengl context which is sometimes lost when switching from fs to windowed mode, it's supposed to be fixed now, but apparently there are still problems sometimes. Well if I had a windows expert contributing code for the windows version maybe he could find some way around this, but since I don't, and since I don't want to try that, well it won't happen ! The best workaround is simply not to use the keyboard shortcut but always switch by using the gui, I never saw this problem by switching from the gui. EDIT : I took another look, and it appears the workaround I had used for this very same problem is not required any more if using this version, so I'll update the binary and let you test it... Ok, binary updated in the archive, new date in the archive for raine.exe : 022-05-06 19:09:48
    1 point
  3. ... which means that something is different in your windows ? 3d desktop effects ? Normally they can't be enabled/disabled in win10, so it's quite surprising, but yeah aero effect was known to create problems previously. For now I don't have any better idea... In the 1st post you said maybe it would be a good idea to try to enable this mod... which mode ? direct3d ? Well the shaders in raine are opengl only. Direct3d is not bad, but it's not multiplatform at all, and raine is. Maybe try to describe your 100% method to reproduce your white screen, but if it's just switch from fullscreen to windowed while ingame using the keyboard shortcut it's no use... Oops something changed, I can now reproduce it reliably, just start from fullscreen, switch to windowed mode while ingame... I guess I'll have another look at that then... ! ... and I seem to have a workaround : a version incompatible with windows xp ! By default when building using mingw32/mingw64 it builds an incompatible binary if you remember, I had to use some kind of trick to get a compatible binary. Well when I use a binary straight from mingw, the problem is impossible to reproduce apparently... ! what a mess... ! Resulting binary is 8Mb of size, too big for the forum, I'll have to create a new entry in the download page... Ok, new binary in the download page (latest) windows10 binary... it includes all the dlls, and no dirs and no data files, you are supposed to replace the exe and its dlls in the normal version (well you can leave the dlls if you want, it will eat disk space for nothing if they are not overwritten by this they will just be unused). Good luck then ! By the way it's not exactly 0.93.4, it includes the new "real" fullscreen, and the return of the driver info button in the about dialog, for some reason it never made it in the sdl version until now... ! Ah yes and the new 7z code. Only small changes, so no version number change so far. As I already said, most of these dlls are useless, but it's the price to pay to be able to use precompiled binary packages, they include all the options, even those we don't want... !
    1 point
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