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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2022 in all areas

  1. Following mer-curious changes I had to update the translations, that's where I discovered that I lost the spanish translator mail (he didn't leave it in the header of the translation file as he should have !). And the Italian didn't reply yet. I took the opportunity to improve the french translation which I stopped way too early, but I won't be able to fix all the translations alone. The last active translator except me is the Brazilian Portuguese one ! (and it's not mer-curious !). Anyway it's not an emergency, in the worst case, the spanish and italian versions might see a few surprises appear in the next release... ! edit : actually the errors for the spanish and italian versions were because of some old text changes which were never propagated to the translations, not related to the recent changes. I finally updated both with the help of google translate, luckily it's just about very short texts so it should be ok, and it's better than an obviously bad translation !
    2 points
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