Some news : I finally committed the script for xmcotar1d, I don't think I'll change it a lot more now. One of the latest changes inside is that you can now poke directly the characters if they happen to use the ascii code, as is the case in this game obviously.
Except that there are the few variables added, the printed tests, and the whole thing is indented using a perl script. See it there :
You can use "view file" in the "..." menu, and then raw if you want to download it. But of course this script will work only with the git version of raine for now, you'll need to compile your version, or at least change back the poke which use character strings back to poke which use normal values !
Also I finally added something to preserve the parsed state of the script (for the run: section), it's not really compilation, but it speeds up things considerably. I am not finished with my ideas about this yet, but it's already a big improvement compared to what we had before (hoping I didn't add too many bugs !).
An example of this poke with characters :
poke $6B6F0 'PRESS START@'
or for arcade :
if (peek(choice)==$00) #Arcade#
poke $908E71 ' '
poke $908EF1 'A'
poke $908F71 'R'
poke $908FF1 'C'
poke $909071 'A'
poke $9090F1 'D'
poke $909171 'E'
poke $9091F1 ' '
And by the way it was a pretty neat trick to update the layer this way to display your text, especially with their weird layout.
By the way the text you put in rom, replacing "insert coin" by "press start", it's actually wrong, it's right only if you configure the game in free play mode (I didn't even verify if there is a free play mode in the service mode), but in the default normal mode you still need to insert a coin to arrive to the main menu and make your selection.