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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2023 in all areas

  1. I hadn't planned to make a 0.94.11, but things didn't go as planned, and ffman1985 found new ideas to make crazy scripts, so... - daioh displays correctly its controls in the gui, and not as a 6 buttons fighting game anymore - update for the turbo key (DEL by default) : it was still displaying the fps as an int when it has been a float for years now, so its display was totally wrong, it now displays the fps reached while the speed was unlimited, and opengl double buffer is temporary disabled when using this so that the speed is not limited by the video hardware. - fix bad color for the status bar in the cheats dialog when there is a message... - fix for a crash in 32 bits, it happened in linux, but it could happen in windows too, it was a stack misalignment because starscream uses 4 bytes boundaries and the SSE functions in sdl2 require 16 bytes boundaries (which is huge !). There is a function attribute to fix that, so it's fixed simply but it was hard to find. Except that on scripts : - you can now make hidden scripts which don't show in the gui dialog. It's useful only if you want to start it like you would call a procedure in a high level language by using the start_script command. It allows to move a block from a script there. It's more an experiment, I find the thing hard to use, but it was easy to make, so I keep it in case it's useful one day. Just replace the "script" command by "hidden", same arguments, same syntax, it just doesn't appear in the gui. - Better error messages : I added the error messages at lightning speed, but there were case where they were really not very helpful. Now you can see which script triggered the error, in which section and what line. And if it's in a run: section, the script is stopped to avoid an endless loop of errors ! - poke extension, can use a string of any length as the value to poke, the string must be enclosed between ' ' or " ", there is a foum post with an example, and it's in use in the xmcotar1d script (Console script). - The big optimization of the scripts : they now preserve their parsed result to avoid to redo the stuff in each frame. Now I got some very strange behavior from windows and I still didn't understand everything here, but windows execution appears slower than linux for some reason (see the script cpu load in the Misc section of the profile display, f11 key). The 64 bits binary seems ok, I am not totally sure about the 32 bits binary, I saw it working well, but not always ! I don't know what triggers this slowdown, maybe with time I'll have more ideas. What I can say is that even when it works at its best, it's still slower than the linux version, I get 2% only in Misc while the console script is in startup (when you just start it), even with a non optimized debug build ! So see by yourself, your results might vary. That's all for this time ! http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html
    1 point
  2. Yeah well for now I am not sure I'll add the patching for sprites. The big difference with the patches is that they can't be patched on the fly, you have to patch the rom before it's decoded, which is a lot trickier. There are already a few interesting patches in the github repo, I liked the patch to update the kf2k5uni clone, too bad it doesn't detail what the changes are exactly (I added kf2k5uni because of that, it has a bug with sound when using the 32 bits version and there is a memory leak somewhere, but it works). I'll check the bugs later eventually, but this patch patches only the rom, and it's quite good. Yeah most of the arcade bootlegs come from Korea and China apparently, these people are crazy hackers for roms, that's why the ips files come from there. Most of the stuff doesn't look very interesting though, sadly all the bootleg are not interesting too, far from that. The idea was to have a simple way to try an ips file without having to deal with the bad crc warning if you patch the rom directly. That's done for the code part at least, I'll see if I push this further or not, for now I take a break !
    1 point
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