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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2023 in all areas

  1. I was contacted by someone who couldn't make the appimage from about 1 year go to work, it was 0.93.x version, with very old dependencies... So this time I took the time to create a virtual machine to test this in mint 21.2 (which I don't like a lot !), and the appimage got a few updates (only the 64 bits version is updated, I have currently no setup to build the 32 bits version so I must restart it from scratch and it would take too much time). The audio seems slightly delayed in the VM, but except that everything seems ok now, couldn't contact internet archive but it was a VM problem, I should add a cancel button to the curl dialog but it will be for another time ! By the way this fat archive weights 16 Mb which is about 8 times the size of a normal release !!! At least you get all the optional data files + the dependencies inside, and it should work on any linux distrib having at least glibc-2.29 (which is very old, it's bionic ubuntu). It's a last resort if you can't install any normal version... And there were a few bugs in accessing some files in the appimage which pushed me to fix quite a few paths which were wrong also for windows, it's a miracle that some functions worked in windows, maybe I didn't test them enough, and it explains mer-curious problems with the ips files ! (and it's a crazy bug, sometimes a path with / is accepted, but sometimes not). Anyway except the big heap of paths fixed, there is the 2nd fix for the default value of speed hacks in neogeo... ! Hoping it's the last time I cope with these silly bugs ! But the experience in the virtual machine was interesting anyway... ! You can get this here : http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html
    1 point
  2. Turns out there's a front-end called MAME Classic, so I might have to change the name again for the next release.
    1 point
  3. And I finally managed to update the i386 appimage too, you'll need an os which can run i386 binaries obviously though, on debian it requires what they call multiarch, look for that on the internet if you want details, you'll need at least dpkg --add-architecture i386 followed by the installation of a few basic libs. Tested on a mint 21.2 virtual machine, built on a bionic ubuntu docker container (and it obliged me to switch to a 5.x kernel to avoid to get an incompatible shared lib, but on arch 5.x is almost not supported anymore, I could get it using downgrader, but it was in a text console only ! Luckily it was enough to build SDL2, and I had the problem only with SDL2). Anyway that's not the kind of thing I'd like to update often. Both versions have shrunk this time though, it's down to a little less than 14 Mb which is still huge for a raine release, but it was 16 Mb before ! Also the command line is supported of course, from a terminal you can launch : ./Raine-x86_64.AppImage -gl to get the list of supported games for example. Anyʍay I learnt a few tricks while doing this, even if it was very long to do !
    1 point
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