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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2023 in all areas

  1. Mameoxtras decade bonus new game Top Driving Nice driving game a clear World Rally rip off but it's decent enough Simply delete your previous save file and drop the xbe's rom and screenshot over the top of your existing MAMEoXtras build enjoy. DL link everything included link [code]https://1fichier.com/?rrwr6zrcrjckuvjhh7mo[/code]
    2 points
  2. Well since internet archive is the only source when raine downloads its roms, it might be a problem... If it really disappears you'll probably have to turn curl option off in the cfg file, but the appeal is still months in the future anyway. More info: https://tech.slashdot.org/story/23/04/10/1726259/if-we-lose-the-internet-archive-were-screwed
    1 point
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