I was mistaken, I thought there was a new decryption code finally allowing to totally decrypt the rom, but no !!!
In 2023 we are still stuck with opcodes / operands, and by the way raine was already using the same algorithm as xcopy when saving a cps2 rom in debug mode, but what you get are the decrypted opcodes. Some areas of the rom are totally readable directly, like the 8 1st bytes : $ff8000 this is the initial value of the stack pointer at offset 0, but if you go only to offset $60, same file, it should be the vector for irq0, and this vector is obviously unreadable, it's $14e for sfa3/sfz3j but it must be read from the encrypted area.
What this means is the roms can't be compared directly, there's still no reliable way to do this !
Ton of crap... ! When you think that the rom encryption keys were in some volatile ram using a battery and so when the battery died you got a useless machine, it would probably have been declared illegal in this time, that's obvious planned obsolescence... ! And so no surprise that you are still unable to get a fully decrypted rom from that.
Well, maybe I should just take back all the removed sets, or at least sfz3j then, I'll see... !