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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2025 in Posts

  1. Ok, nothing major this time, release mainly due because of an update for the appimage files for non arch linux distributions ! So here are the changes anyway (mostly in chronological order): - lots of script updates from ffman1985, including sf2 serie (sf2, sf2hf, sf2ce, ssf2 and ssf2t, hsf2), the sfa serie (sfa, sfa3, sfz2a1, sfz3jr2, sfz2alj), and the marvel serie (mvsc, mshvsf, xmvsf) ! Impressive work... ! - Rom region selection in the gui for sf2hf, sf2, sf2ce, sfa, xmcota, mshvsf - some big fixes in the converter I used to convert the cheats from mame, which allowed to fix quite a lot of things, I didn't fix everything because there was no report at all about that, and it's a long process. I just fixed the biggest games. - Fixed black screen for shaders when using scanline-3x during game - mer-curious updated samurai shodown 2 perfect edition to the latest romset - added some cheats and hiscore saving for dkongex and dkongjp (all dkongex cheats are not tested). That's all, nothing major, but still quite a lot of changes... Oh yeah also the 2 appimage files are updated to be in sync with the latest windows builds, and I'll update the linux arch files now... ! http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html
    3 points
  2. Oh didn't notice there was also an update for sdl2, it's quite hidden now by sdl3. For that no problem, you can download the dll yourself and place it in the raine directory to test, you can check the sdl version in the about dialog. Actually in arch I didn't see it because the usual binary package was just replaced by sdl3, to get the updated sdl2 I need to compile it using aur, which is not automatic... ! What a mess... ! Doing that now... ! edit : updated all my sdl2 versions now, linux and windows !
    1 point
  3. For those who have downloaded the file - Sound Associaition List (SF Series)(31-1-2025), plz be aware that for the list for street fighter zero 2 alpha, the rom name is wrong (sfz2alz is not exist). You may download it again, but I prefer to change it yourself, because differnt people play different rom ver. Note: for english ver., it is sfz2al which is the parent rom. And for japanese ver., it is sfz2alj. And the original sfa2 may also use the list which I didn't checked.
    1 point
  4. Oh you could speak more clearly by saying they finally released sdl3 as I suspected would happen soon... Well I didn't know, but if the switch to sdl3 is as involved as the one from sdl to sdl2 then it won't happen now for raine... edit : and after a quick look : yes it's involved, and so it will take time, and well maybe the time is right to stop raine here, sdl2 will continue to be supported anyway.
    1 point
  5. Done ! I finally switched to linux mint, which is based on ubuntu but with some more usable interface (at least for me) and it gave me less problems too, except its very long installation time ! Anyway you get 2 appimage packages for 0.97.5, which means the current version in git, I didn't plan to release now, but why not ? I'll make the windows binaries tonight or tomorrow, got enough building and configuration for now, with a proper announcement, nothing major in it, mainly some scripts updates, but lots of them to fix some long standing problems which means that not enough people are using them otherwise they would have been reported by now. It's a shame, these scripts are not only about cheats, they sometimes allow to see things you wouldn't see without them in a game ! And ffman1985 added some too. And mer-curious updated some romset to its latest version. I guess you are using the 64 bits version ? Well the 32 bits version seems surprisingly easy to run, see the comments on the download page, just 2 basic packages to install 1st to get a good amount of base packages for i386, and everything should be fine ! There will be another update tomorrow because I forgot some debug code in the launcher for the i386 version and forgot to update hiscore.dat and history.dat inside... Also ffman1985 managed to contribute a few more scripts a few seconds after I posted this ! I never found why the vbox shared dirs didn't work in ubuntu or in mint this time, I did it with a nfs mount instead, I don't know what they messed, the problem is probably in ubuntu, and since mint is based on it... ! Anyway...
    1 point
  6. HBMAME 0.245.23 has been released. https://hbmame.1emulation.com/ What's new in HBMAME ==================== 2025-02-27 0.245.23 New Games --------------------------------- - [bpanicdx] Block Panic DX (2025-01-01) - [flapchck] Flappy Chicken (2023-04-30) - [goldaxen] Golden Axe (Neo-Geo port) - [jumpnrund] Jump n Run Tech Demo - [karnovn] Karnov (Neo-Geo port) - [mpatrolut] Moon Patrol (Unknown Territories) - [pown] P.O.W. (Neo-Geo port) - [samsho2pe1] Samurai Shodown II (Perfect v2.4, 2025-01-27)
    1 point
  7. HBMAME and HBMAMEUI 0.245.23 32bit avaliable (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP
    1 point
  8. Golden Axe port to Neogeo is available, as is Karnov port. I've got the P.O.W. port as well, but only on neogeoCD currently. I'll see if it's possible to make roms out of it. There's a Double Dragon One demo, also for Neogeo, that's in the current HBmame.
    1 point
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