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Ok, nothing major this time, release mainly due because of an update for the appimage files for non arch linux distributions ! So here are the changes anyway (mostly in chronological order): - lots of script updates from ffman1985, including sf2 serie (sf2, sf2hf, sf2ce, ssf2 and ssf2t, hsf2), the sfa serie (sfa, sfa3, sfz2a1, sfz3jr2, sfz2alj), and the marvel serie (mvsc, mshvsf, xmvsf) ! Impressive work... ! - Rom region selection in the gui for sf2hf, sf2, sf2ce, sfa, xmcota, mshvsf - some big fixes in the converter I used to convert the cheats from mame, which allowed to fix quite a lot of things, I didn't fix everything because there was no report at all about that, and it's a long process. I just fixed the biggest games. - Fixed black screen for shaders when using scanline-3x during game - mer-curious updated samurai shodown 2 perfect edition to the latest romset - added some cheats and hiscore saving for dkongex and dkongjp (all dkongex cheats are not tested). That's all, nothing major, but still quite a lot of changes... Oh yeah also the 2 appimage files are updated to be in sync with the latest windows builds, and I'll update the linux arch files now... ! http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html3 points
MAMEUI64 0.274.0 has been released. Available at https://messui.1emulation.com Changes: - Fixed minor issues with galaxian-based games such as 4in1, frogger, pacmanbl, mooncrst and jumpbug [MT 02074, 02077, 09084, 05208, 01598] - Centralised version control to the top of the makefile - Fixed crash sound in drivfrcg and clones [MT 01595] - ELF2: fixed numerous bugs to get this system working [MT 09076] Please note that gameinit.dat which previously only contained arcade-related info now additionally has console, computer, and pinball information. You can grab a copy at https://github.com/Robbbert/Startup/blob/main/gameinit.dat . This information will show at the top of the history tab.2 points
For the 3-4 people that still happen to visit the Zzap!Raine site, I have some news. I always thought that the website "didn't really age very well" and the menu icons in particular were very old and quite ugly. So I redesigned all icons with a Bubble Bobble style, and also fixed the general site layout to make it look better on modern web browsers. However the site counts about 120 independent HTML pages and I do not have the time to fix all of them at once, so the main pages were fixed and the rest will be done at a later stage. The site logo has also been redesigned, as well as other minor icons. I hope you like it. Link to site: https://raine.1emulation.com/zzapraine/index.html Link to image:2 points
After fixing the windows compilation problem in arch (!), here it is. So the main thing is the new shinobi neogeo driver, see there : Otherwise, fixes/improvements included : - the changes for mer-curious changing his physical display and/or soundcard on his laptop are inside, there is a thread about all this somewhere. - fixed a crash when opening the console after an error while loading a game - fixed a bug in the game options dialog, there is another post about this somewhere too, thanks to mer-curious... - fix the region selection which got broken while moving around entries from the main gui menu. - Restore mouse position when exiting the program, mainly useful for linux, for window managers which react to this - Now use SDL_OpenURL to open an url from the gui, it probably doesn't change anything for now, but it will be useful if raine is recompiled for something else than windows or linux. For once the linux binaries were ready a few hours before windows because of an update problem in my arch setup, nothing major finally, but very annoying ! http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html2 points
And what took me so long ? Finding something to use for the sh2 emulation in 64 bits, and it was not easy ! Finally I took the sh2 emulation from an old mame version (153), and modified it to be compatible with what gens did, so that it's compatible with the psikyosh driver. The result is slightly slower than the asm version, but not by a lot, so it will do for now. I lost a lot of time with yabause which I looked at before that. Except that the windows status bugs seem fixed for good for those who missed the latest update of this painful story in the forum, there was a binary specific for that. And you can update your dlls for 0.96 if you want a more recent sdl2 version, but it's not mandatory, it should work fine with the old dlls. Have fun : http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html Oh yeah, I also added some links to some strategy guides in the about dialog for galaxian, pacman & clones, and dodonpachi. It's nothing fancy, it will just open your current browser with the corresponding page in the web, some kind of integrated bookmarks to raine, but I thought these guides deserved some more visibility !2 points
And the magazines have finally been delivered! Time for a few group photos!2 points
It mainly fixes the untested games in 0.97.0, but I took the opportunity to totally overhaul the disassemblers in the console, they are not external anymore, they use the functions provided by mame to disassemble. With that you can disassemble z80 encrypted roms which is convenient, but I did it mainly because my offsets arrays was becoming way too big with the sh2 emulation, it had been done for the 68000 for 32k regions, here it was really far over the limit ! But those who don't use the console shouldn't notice anything. Except that added the "psikyo SH2" driver to the drivers list in the game selection dialog options to be able to select these games more easily. That's all, the overhaul of the disassemblers is a very big change in git, it gets rid of most of the directories settings too. http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html For the gory details : dz80 was one of the external disassemblers, the one used by the z80, it was with raine since the old allegro dos version actually ! Very good disassembler, but it can't cope with encrypted roms... ! Also there was no support for the 6502 disassembler in the console, although it supported an external disassembler ! The list command changes because of that although its functionality remains the same, now the pc line is not in the middle of the listing but at the top. That's all for now, it was a very furious coding session !2 points
The usual stuff, but some of these fixes are quite surprising, at least for me : The updates first : samsho2pe updated to its latest version but can already be retrieved from internet archive, sfz3mix v0.31 and it's now downloaded directly from its site instead of internet archive. Also the pbobblen "rotary" version is now supported, see the post about that there Fixes : - the sdl2 default rendering was mostly broken, now it works again, it's good to have this one as default rendering even if it has less features than opengl - the fps displayed when using the turbo key (DEL by default) were wrong ! - fixed the mess added in previous version about window size, position and status, hopefully for good this time - fixed slowdown when choosing to have an opaque hud in opengl !!! This one was very surprising, I only found it because I tested the sdl2 rendering and so I chose opaque hud there, and kept it when returning to opengl after. It took me a long while to understand where that incredible slowdown was coming from ! It can be particularly felt if using the turbo key, it was much slower if using an opaque hud ! Anyway it's done totally differently now and should work all the time. - got rid of the borderless option in video options, it was replaced by desktop fullscreen in sdl2 it should have been removed earlier. And you can now cancel a rom download before the end, just use either the ESC key or a right click on the progression dialog. http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html2 points
At least this time I took a good week for this one so I had more time ! For sf2mix it's another clone from zero800, not as spectacular as sfz3mix, but still interesting. For the fixes, most of them are described in this forum thread with plenty of pictures posted : Except that ffman1985 did it again, this time on "fatal fury1", and the very special thing this time is that he added the ability to play in coop with the computer! One of the most surprising bugs was probably the bad initialization of the sound driver in the sound options dialog, we probably had this one for very long ! Anyway find it there : http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html2 points
Actually found another curious hack from the link given by mer-curious : https://rotary-bobble.mattgreer.dev/ some people thought about using a rotary control for puzzle bobble, when taito never did that for its 4+ games (4 major versions), afaik at least. So I was curious to emulate this to test with a mouse the result. It's not bad, but it's very similar to the precision you get when playing on keyboard ! The mouse becomes better in extreme situations when you need a 1 pixel precision... Anyway I'll commit this to git in case somebody wants to test that, it was interesting anyway to revisit puzzle bobble this way. In case you have a memory card saved for this game, disable it because the part where the game asks about the memory card is not converted to the rotary control so it's just impossible to select an answer ! It's probably the bios which does this part. Just move pbobblen-neogeo.bin out of the savedata directory before starting the game. Added the ips files with the dat file in the extras section of the downloads, but you need the git version to use the mouse with this game. (it detects when the ips patch is in use and switches automatically the control to the mouse).2 points
Mainly because I broke the top of the main menu in the previous version ! 1 line fix, but an important one... !!! Anyway except this one I manage to fix some alignment issues in sfz3mix (16 pixels on the right for scrll2, scroll3 and the sprites, I can't say I had a lot of time to test it, but it looks better). And a fix for a mer-curious crash, see his thread for the details, it was probably specific to ssrpg, but it obliged to change the way samples were handled ! I hope there won't be another critical bug in this one because I plan to cool down for a few days after this ! http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html2 points
kof94te is at version 1.3.0, out of beta, including the patch for this problem. By the way he could confirm the problem happens only on raine, not on the original hardware, so maybe 1 day I'll have to change the way sprites are drawn. But for now it allows me to do things faster for sure, so everything is good. I can keep the patch in the source since it checks the contents of the rom before patching it, so it doesn't try to patch 1.3.0, just tested with the a95 patch. This is the end of this problem then !2 points
Yeah well I finally was convinced to release an update to have sfz3mix, and it was quite a lot of work for what was supposed to be just a hack... ! It's actually the biggest cps2 game so far, using a resolution higher than the original hardware and with such huge rom regions that it had to use quite a few modifications in the emulation to work. You have the links in the forum to the site's project, thanks to zero800 for that. It also obliged me to fix some bugs in the cps2 emulation, so there should be some improvement especially related to line scroll in the background layer which sfz3mix uses a lot. Except that ffman1985 did it again, he added a lot of console scripts, as a reminder the neogeo ones are for aes only, non arcade mode. His new scripts are for at least fatal fury special, fatal fury 2, kof94, kof95, and samsho3. And then quite a lot of small fixes, most of them coming from the gcc sanitizer, really efficient at his work, a lot of minor stuff and some buffer overflow in the line scroll in cps1 and zoom code in the psikyosh driver (sh2). The translations were updated too, mostly the brazilian one. Thanks to mer-curious for the bug reports and the help for the translation. http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html2 points
HBMAME and HBMAMEUI 0.245.19 32bit avaliable (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP2 points
MAMEoXtras Even More Odds N Ends Important Please note try as we might we could not find a vmm value that would work for Cyborg Force but fear not it will work if you turn on the default vmm via the emu options. just remember to switch it off again after playing as to make sure all your other games which require vmm will still boot correctly. New games now supported Cyborg Force (NeoGeo) Top Roller Games Fixed And Now Playable Exerion (game breaking protection issue sorted) Hammer Away Games with graphical improvements Chinese Hero Hammer Away Performan Sky Lancer Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight Games with sound improvements Bomber Man World (World) Go Go! Mile Smile / Susume! Mile Smile Karate Champ New Atomic Punk - Global Quest (US) Performan General Fixes And Improvements Fixed missing graphical layer for Hammer Away in the Sega System 18 driver so it is now playable [grant2258] Emulated a missing graphical effect for Wild Fang / Tecmo Knight the screen now shakes when enemies break through walls and you land after a big jump [arcadez] Fixed Player 2 Start Button for Namco's Tinkle Pit [MAMEDev, arcadez] Added missing button 3 inputs for Strike Gunner S.T.G used to combine both ships into one during a two player game [MAMEDEv, arcadez] Updated the protection code for Exerion to prevent the game from ending should you die at anytime after the first bonus round [MAMEDev, arcadez] Added a new game Top Roller to the yamato.c driver and reworked the cpu encryption making it compatable with the MAME78 codebase [grant2258, arcadez] Fixed some graphical niggles with Chinese Hero on level 7 [MAMEDev, arcadez] Improved the sound for Go Go! Mile Smile / Susume! Mile Smile by adding sound banking and reclocking the sound and CPU speeds [MAMEDev, arcadez] Fixed some grahical niggles throughout the game and with the cocktail mode for Orca's Sky Lancer [MAMEDev, arcadez] Added support for Cyborg Force to the NeoGeo driver [arcadez] Fixed broken sound and incorrect background graphics in Performan [MAMEDev, arcadez] Fixed sound clipping in Karate Champ [MAMEDev, arcadez] Fixed sound samples not playing in two versions of Bomber Man namely Bomber Man World (World) and New Atomic Punk - Global Quest (US) [MAMEDev, arcadez] link(includes new roms) [code]https://www.sendspace.com/file/2ib7c7[/code]2 points
HBMAME 0.245.23 has been released. https://hbmame.1emulation.com/ What's new in HBMAME ==================== 2025-02-27 0.245.23 New Games --------------------------------- - [bpanicdx] Block Panic DX (2025-01-01) - [flapchck] Flappy Chicken (2023-04-30) - [goldaxen] Golden Axe (Neo-Geo port) - [jumpnrund] Jump n Run Tech Demo - [karnovn] Karnov (Neo-Geo port) - [mpatrolut] Moon Patrol (Unknown Territories) - [pown] P.O.W. (Neo-Geo port) - [samsho2pe1] Samurai Shodown II (Perfect v2.4, 2025-01-27)1 point
You mean some scaling option in the video driver from nvidia, set it to 150% ? But even so, there's 1/3 of the resolution less to go from 1920x1080 to 1280x720, which would not match a 150% ratio ? Anyway it seems like a crazy idea to use such an option here... There is no change in the rendering compared to 0.97.2 at least ? For the shaders, all this glsl stuff is about running shaders, even the ones we currently have, but yeah I am annoyed not being able to run these .glsl shaders. No noticeable progress so far though, but at least the black screen you found shows there is another error that I missed, I'll fix it later.1 point
It actually started in 0.97.3 because I played a little bit with the glsl stuff, I had tested and it didn't seem to break anything, but with this particular shader because it doesn't affect all shaders, there is indeed a problem. Anyway it's fixed.1 point
HBMAME and HBMAMEUI 0.245.22 32bit avaliable (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP1 point
Hello, Raine has fixed the sound association function for the CPS2 Games in 2023, I am so sorry that I didn't test it until now as I am the one who requested this. Now, I would like to share a sound association list for the CPS2 games. In fact, there are only Street Fighter games in the list, because they are the only CPS2 games with the official arranged soundtrack. Rom included: sfa, sfzalj, ssf2, ssf2t, hsf2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z7qNv0aek7Cz77jvndAN0rtRgpIk22IK/view?usp=sharing Tutorial: Part 1: Downloading the music To apply my list easily, you are encourage to download your mp3 from khinsider (which is a famous site for game music), so that the file name will be the same as that of my list. Here is the albums to download: 1. Street Fighter Alpha (PS1 Gamerip)(ignore the tracks marked with original) 2. Street Fighter II Movie Original Soundtrack (Just download track 5, and name it to "Of the Beloved, Of Sadness, Of Responsibility.mp3" and put it in the folder of Street Fighter Alpha, this is a special track used in the Japanese arcade ver. in the Dramatic Battle, even PS/SS don't have this track) 3. Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold (PS1/SS Gamerip) (Track 48 should be renamed to "48. Ending ~M. Bison.mp3" because it is not shin akuma. And I renamed Track 2 to "02. Opening (edit).mp3" because the vocal in the last part of this track should be cut.) 4. Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Just download the tracks of CD3, all marked with arrange.) Part 2: Editing the list 1. In the first line of the sound list of each game, there is the rom name. You may need to change it, as you may not play the same ver. as me. For example, I play the japanese ver. of Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (sfz2alj), so the first line of the line is [sfz2alz:assoc]. If you play the english ver., the rom is sfz2al, so you must change the rom name and become [sfz2al:assoc]. 2. Directory of the music files are different for all people. But, don't worry, you don't have to change it one by one. For example, my muisc of street fighter alpha is in "‪D:\Games\Capcom AST\Street Fighter Alpha", assume yours is "D:\Music\Capcom\Street Fighter Zero". In Notepad, open the "Replace " function (in the Edit tab, or by pressing CTRL+H). On the upper box paste "D:\Games\Capcom AST\Street Fighter Alpha" and on the lower box paste "D:\Music\Capcom\Street Fighter Zero" and finally press the Replace All button. Repeat the step for all other game, and save the file. Part 3. After editing the whole list, copy all the text to "game.cfg" under the "config" folder in Raine. "game.cfg" can be opened with the Notepad. Part 4. You may find the music are too loud as compared to other sound effect or character voice. So, go to the Raine menu, select Sound options and adjust the Music volume. I set it to 20 or 30 for the street figher music from khinsider. Alternatively, you may edit the volume of all mp3 file using software like Goldwave or Audacity. P.S. Although the list don't inlude the original street fighter alpha 2 (zero 2), I believe it shares the same music as its enahnced ver. If you have the game, copy the list for sfz2alz, and then change the rom name.1 point
Nope sorry, no change on this side, and the region is not even in this dialog, and I can't reproduce your problem so I'll need some more info, obviously something changed on your system which initialized the language, which is quite a feat because I just noticed that I had forgotten the windows language detection function and it doesn't even know about pt_BR... ! It knows only about english, french and spanish, that's all ! So I guess you must have something in your environment which does that, type win+R and type cmd in the dialog to run a terminal, then type set and return, it will display your environment variables sorted in alphabetical order, check if you have something for LANG or LANGUAGE and report here. (you can scroll the window).1 point
They are just late as usual. If it was skipped they would make an entry at mamedev.org (like last year), and my version would have been (0.272.2). I did it early (well, on time), because of hot weather that started today which may go on for weeks, too hot for my poor little computer.1 point
MAMEUI64 0.272.0 has been released. Available at https://messui.1emulation.com The only major change is the ability to get proper crash dumps in case something goes wrong. Most people can ignore this, but if you think you can help with tracking down problems you must start MAMEUI with a redirection parameter. For example: >mameui > crash.txt Various internal things will be written to crash.txt which can be ignored, but should a crash occur, the dump will go into crash.txt as well. The dump uses the new file mameui.sym which has been included in the download package. When a crash occurs, MAMEUI will appear to freeze for about 60 seconds, before exiting. No need to panic. If the freeze goes on for too long then you can terminate the process.1 point
D : I remember now, it's just that the key sequence you type is the sequence which is searched, so if you type twice D, it means you are looking for DD, which can be dangerous in case you have a game whose label contains DD, like top hunter, the neogeo game... ! If you are not sure, it's better to enable the "return mandatory" option. I didn't do that to be standard, just to find a way to be as fast as possible with the keyboard, it works well. And for the mame update : it's a never ending headache, I stopped following their nonsense years ago, all this should have been done differently normally (preserving the old rom sets and just adding the new ones with an increasing number when they are found), it would preserve compatibility with all versions, and usually the most recent version hasn't got very important changes. So well I accept patches to update the romset if you feel like it, if not, you'll have to be patient because I really hate doing this stuff !1 point
HBMAME 0.245.21 has been released. https://hbmame.1emulation.com/ What's new in HBMAME ==================== 2024-11-13 0.245.21 New Games --------------------------------- - [bubblem01] Bubble Memories: Black Edition (World) - [bubblemu01] Bubble Memories: Black Edition (USA) - [dilith] Dilithium Lift - [dkongjr01] Donkey Kong Junior (bugfixed) - [galaga03] Galaga Challenging Only (2024-03-26) - [knightsch] Knight's Chance - [kof94s40] Kof'94 (Team Edit Edition v1.4.2) - [quarth01] Quarth (Cooperative) - [redearthep] Red Earth (NO CD, Easy Password) - [sf2ce59] Street Fighter II' (Golden Magic) - [sf2ce60] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Aimed Barrels) - [sf2ce61] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Aimed Fires) - [sf2ce62] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Barrels of Fun) - [sf2ce63] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Bird in Hand) - [sf2ce64] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Burning Fires) - [sf2ce65] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Fire Serpent) - [sf2ce66] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Vampiric) - [sf2ce67] Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 [CL1785]) - [sfz3mix] Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.31) [zero800] - [ssf2t10] Super Street Fighter II Turbo (940223U, difficulty fix)1 point
HBMAME and HBMAMEUI 0.245.21 32bit avaliable (Xp compatible). Download from: RETRODANUART MAME XP1 point
Well you can always test the last sdl1 version to check, sdl2 started in 0.92, so the last sdl1 must be in 0.91.15. Also if you saw the post in the other thread, we became xp incompatible with 0.97.2, so it's probably because of the new function to detect the soundcard. It doesn't really matter anyway, xp is ancient now, and you are bound to hit an incompatibility like that if you keep adding new functions. Also something you probably didn't think about, but if you set Autodetect as default, then you will never see which card is selected, it probably doesn't matter much anyway as long as it can be heard, but if you want to have the detect and store result as before, the only way is not to have this autodetect as default. (or modify the interface to show which card was detected when Autodetect is selected, but I prefer to keep things as simple as possible). And for the unexpected return of the black border : I had actually tested this in windows, but apparently this function doesn't return the same thing when you call it in windowed mode and fullscreen ! So it got me, because I didn't think about saving the config and run again. And it doesn't make much sense, it's supposed to be state-less normally... ! Anyway !1 point
Ok, I'll take a look later, but there's no need to make a video all the time, just saying 1 load a game while being in fullscreen, the game starts normally while in the gui 2 go fullscreen -> the screen becomes blank It's shorter, takes less time, and is more efficient for everyone. I have tested this too fast, seeing that the gui seemed ok in fullscreen I assumed it was a windowed problem only. Later, then... edit : well sorry for my mistakes, I was half awaken when I did that and it shows, I went way too fast especially for the video resizing part. For the sound I didn't think just opening the sound options would make such a mess in such a case ! Anyway it's fixed again, you can have your test which was indeed useful here : http://raine.1emulation.com/archive/tux/raine.7z1 point
Not for me, and really I get more and more tired of this... !1 point
No, there's no good reason to re-add it. The main reason why most games prefer desktop fullscreen games is probably because there are less issues when alt-tabing out of the game and you can have some windows visible on top of the game screen without issue, which is impossible with the real fullscreen, it's totally exclusive and it can have sync issues sometimes. The desktop fullscreen is the modern way to do that, the real fullscreen was the old way. Glad to see it's finally fixed, it was the most annoying series of bugs to fix, especially when you think that it was not even related to real emulation ! Most of the fixes are short, it's not complex code, but you just need to guess what needs to be done, there are more comments in the code and in the git log about all that.1 point
Alright fixed normally, and finally it was not a dll problem, just the usual kind of bug you get when you mess too much with windows statuses, and it could happen in linux too (the small screen in fullscreen). Test when you can the good news is the new dll is not needed anymore, you can delete it if you still have it, it's a return to the normal build process from linux ! http://raine.1emulation.com/archive/tux/raine.7z1 point
Ok, it happens, windows only of course I would have spotted this long ago in linux, it's not so old it started around 0.96.10, because of the windows tricks which was probably the worst idea I ever had ! It's even worst that what you say because once the video is broken this way, it's saved in your config file and you'll find the same broken video next time you launch raine. It's easy to fix manually though, it's just screen_y in the config file which gets a bad value, just put your real screen height here and it will work, at least until you return to the windowed mode before switching again to fullscreen this way. It's not easy to fix because this has become an intricate mix of craziness to work around the strange behavior of windows, my 1st attempt to fix it triggered an even worse bug. So for now either switch back to 0.96.9 or before, use the keyboard, or switch to linux ! For info the size of the black border on top is exactly the height of the title bar for a maximized window, it's a windows bug you see here, it doesn't happen when using the same binary in wine in linux. I am tempted to remove all this windows craziness, but even that has become complicated for now, so for now it will just remain as it is for now, I might return to it later, I already lost way too much time on that.1 point
The forum seems mostly broken, I can edit the previous message but not post the changes ! so here is the last part : edit2 : for the 1 there is a quick fix indeed, just don't try to position or scale the window when exiting fullscreen in windows. Now I didn't test this thoroughly, it just works in the case no config file -> fullscreen -> windowed mode. For the 2nd case, I don't have it, don't know what you did with your parameters, and I don't really want to know neither. Here is a very last build just to close this for good, and no I didn't experiment with automatic builds because it would be messy to build the 32 bit version probably, might be possible for the 64 bits version only but it takes time to check this. http://raine.1emulation.com/archive/tux/raine.7z (it replaces a previous raine.7z from 2022).1 point
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1 point
* SDLMAME 0.269 for Ubuntu - https://sdlmame.wallyweek.org/download/ * Groovymame 0.269 for RPi - https://stickfreaks.com/mame/ * XRoar 1.6.3 [Dragon64/Tandy CoCo] - http://www.6809.org.uk/xroar/ * VBA_M 2.1.10 [Gameboy/GBA] - https://github.com/visualboyadvance-m/visualboyadvance-m/releases * WinArcadia 33.22 [s2650-based] - https://amigan.yatho.com/ * pfemame 2.31.5 [Front-end] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/pfemame/files1 point
They have already made a backup in internet archive, the site is still available for now. It's mainly for the consoles, but there are a few arcade hacks though. Just found 2 for tgm2p that I didn't know, I converted the one to stop the music to a cheat for raine, it's committed in git for now (incompatible with currently released version, because there was no way to modify a sh2 rom in this version !). It's right that the game is good but the music is a disaster and it's actually better with just the sound effects ! The news : https://games.slashdot.org/story/24/08/02/1810215/the-best-rom-hack-website-is-shutting-down-after-nearly-20-years The index of arcade roms hacks : https://www.romhacking.net/?page=hacks&platform=26&perpage=20&startpage=11 point
Found that some zn games were crashing, so fixed that and uploaded version 0.268.1 - it's recommended that you get this one, and throw 0.268.0 in the bin.1 point
Just did a mistake while reinstalling msys in windows, installed gcc instead of the w64-x86_64 version, very easy to do and you are in a hell of trouble if you do it. Anyway problem fixed, back to sanity, but I had to delete the whole msys directory and restart from scratch to fix it... what a mess... !1 point
1 point
And issue 11 is now online and the project is now officially complete Future updates will be on the Zzap!Raine Facebook page (and reposted here on the forum) Download from: https://raine.1emulation.com/zzapraine/issues.html1 point
And I got my testing from ffman1985 here, so this function is actually called to display the player name on the player selection screen, so if you disable it this way, you don't see the player name. So the correct fix becomes : - dpoke $2be018 $303c for patch a4 - dpoke $2be018-$20 $303c for patch a5 At least I was right not to hurry this fix yesterday, it really needed more time ! And the guy from the kof94te project just replied to say he is out of town for now but will merge the fix as soon as possible, cool so maybe the fix won't even be necessary here for the next version then!1 point
For info the crazy idea of ffman1985 worked, so I made a patch for the ips patch. The problem started to appear in their 1.1.9 version actually so it's not exactly recent. It looks like a bug and not something wanted, it's a function which is supposed to erase some characters and actually enables a column of sprites which should stay disabled. The patch is committed to git, it's actually very short, it works with the latest 1.3.0b0 version.1 point
Ok, finally fixed almost all of sfz3mix : - the aspect ratio dipswitch is a fake one. In Raine it's useless since the setting is already in video options. Ok in raine it's just about trying to keep the 4:3 aspect ratio or not, I could instead force to 4:3 or 16:9 like here (there is even an option for these ultra wide screens, I didn't know these could be useful for gaming !). Spent quite some time searching how it was read, didn't find anything... ! - there are quite some hacks for the sprites drawing explaining my bad sprites. It's a huge sprites bank, $4000000 bytes, never seen that in a cps2 game so far. Luckily there was also a modified mame source where it's easier to track the modifications and find everything needed. There was also a change in the output handling which helps a lot to center the screen ! - for the sound it was a blank area in the middle of the rom. At least the intro sound of the game seems broken which is strange since it's the only broken sound apparently. It's among the new sounds added to this... I checked their custom samples, they are about music only, so it's not the cause, so for now I don't know why it's not playing correctly... It's possible the driver uses some fancy recent feature of the qsound driver, the one in raine is actually very old now. The amazing thing about qsound is that their samples are 8 bits and they sound like 16 bits samples... ! - The inputs seem ok, tested only in service mode, can't be sure about the game, I am not an expert in this game but it should work normally. It's in git for now. ffman1985 has been adding quite a few of his hacks/cheats lately too to git...1 point
Yeah you could do it on git, but since you don't compile of course it wouldn't be super convenient... Ok, it reminded me that the finalburn roms are on internet archive too, so I got my update from there, crcs updated and tested, finally... !1 point
kof94te is officially at 1.2.4 (in current FBNEO and next HBMAME), but I'm waiting on 1.3 (not beta) to be released. sfz3mix is interesting in the wide-screen format (in FBNEO and HBMAME). Hopefully you can get it to run in Raine.1 point
oldsplus211 descriptions: Xi You Shi E Zhuan - Xin Qun Mo Luan Wu (Hack) It's too bad even you can't get the other three games up and running.1 point
RSDKv3-xbox A Full Decompilation of Sonic CD (2011) & Retro Engine (v3) to Original Xbox. by danielgpinheiro original release information,including controls and so on. [code]https://github.com/danielgpinheiro/RSDKv3-xbox[/code] link(includes correct sonic cd rsdk file) [code]https://www.sendspace.com/file/mf0ntc[/code]1 point
CCelesteX by danielgpinheiro Celeste Classic build for Original Xbox. A port of the original celeste for the PICO-8. original github page. [code]https://github.com/danielgpinheiro/ccleste-xbox[/code] download link [code]https://www.sendspace.com/file/shku4x[/code]1 point
MAMEUI64 0.264.0 has been released. Available at https://messui.1emulation.com A newer compiler is used: GCC 11.2 (mamedev version) Added some previews of improvements that might appear in MAME in the near future - Sinclair computers: zx80, pc8300, pow3000, lambda: fixed the display, are now playable. - Added Colecovision SGM (Super Game Module) support (from PR#10816) - In dkong TKG-02 board, fixed a regression with the background colour (from PR#11170 and MT05052)1 point