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    GP2X-MSX v1.0.2 released

    By Robert,

    MSX Emulator for GP2X


    Wednesday, April 25. 2007

    GP2X-MSX: MSX Emulator for GP2X v1.0.2


    Hi All,


    fMSX is a famous emulator of the MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ 8bit home computers.

    It runs MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ software on many different platforms including Windows and Unix.

    See http://fms.komkon.org/fMSX/ for further informations.


    It has been first written by Marat Fayzullin, and later Vincent van Dam ported it on SDL.


    GP2X-MSX is a port on GP2X of the version of fMSX-SDL from Vincent van Dam that i had previously ported to PSP.


    What's new in this version :


    - Improve speed

    - Improve emulation accuracy

    - New render mode

    - New default keyboard mapping

    - Add MMU hack stuff

    - Add option to display frame rate

    - New speed limiter function

    - Improve volume handler

    - Bug fix in file requester

    - Add .mx1 and .mx2 file extention

    - Linked with my patched version of ??

    >> Get it HERE.

    ColEm 2.2 released

    By Robert,

    Colecovision emulator.


    The Latest Version of ColEm is 2.2

    Version 2.2 is a maintenance release. It adds an option to ignore VDP sprites-per-line limit, makes few fixes to the Z80 CPU emulation, Windows, and MSDOS specific ports. New ColEm-Symbian adds configurable key mappings (use "Map Individual Keys" option), split application menu, and a new icon.


    New in This Version:

    - Changed Z80 NMI handling to comply with the standard.

    - Added "show all sprites" option (-allspr).

    - Added error messages to ColEm-Windows and ColEm-Symbian.

    - Added button and key remapping configuration to ColEm-Symbian.

    - ColEm-Symbian application menu is now split into three pages.

    - ColEm-MSDOS is now prebound with DOS32A extender, instead of outdated DOS4GW.

    Changelog / Download

    LusSpace FE 1.17 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    In 1.17 version I have added :


    - Ctrl+R to use Random Game function


    - add Nintendulator for NES

    >> Get it HERE.

    [PS2] Game Review: The King of Fighters NESTS Saga

    By Alpha,

    Another great review by our new moderator, DragonKeeper!



    The latest installment of SNK’s NeoGeo Online Collection, The King of Fighters NESTS Saga, continues the tradition of classic fighting games bundled together with online play for the PlayStation 2. This seventh release, which features King of Fighters games ’99, 2000 and 2001, makes the additional boast to include home conversions as well as the NeoGeo ports for the first time. The sad truth is it fails to deliver on its promises – a few bugs and omissions that are in themselves small oversights almost completely ruin the collection. It provides all the arcade-perfect goodness that the series is known for, but falls short of its predecessor, Garou Densetsu Battle Archives Vol.2, which was arcade-perfect and then some.

    »» Read the full review!

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