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    Bunjalloo Web Browser v0.1

    By Mooney,

    Web browser for NDS

    Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the IRC channels.... another web browser with a silly title is announced! Except this time it is by someone who has a history of actually releasing things. What's more, here is the first release.


    I started this a couple of days before DragonMinded announced his 2.7 alpha series with web browser included. I thought it would be impossibly difficult and so far I've been right. There is a lot of tag soup out there.


    It is currently buggy and incomplete. It really does the minimum to allow you to search stuff on Google and that's about it. However, it is proper Free Software (GPL), compiles using all the latest stuff (devkitArm r20, dswifi 0.3d, etc) and there is an issue tracker for you to add your feature wishes/bug reports to.


    Please keep in mind:


    It uses wi-fi auto connect. So routers only and configured from an official game, I'm afraid.

    It has the font compiled in - originally it read them from the card but...

    ... my EZF 5 has stopped working, so DLDI is now more or less un-testable by me.

    The keyboard is crap

    It has no history feature (yet)

    There is no cache (this is good since it means no corruption and bad since it goes slower)

    No, it doesn't support Flash, javascript, images, style sheets (or most HTML in fact).

    There is a lot of room for optimisation - "make it right, then make it fast"

    I can only test on the phat DS, so it might not work at all on the lite.


    That is all for now, hope you like it. Or at least, hope it isn't too offensive to your senses.

    Source / Download

    ZXDS 0.5.0 beta 1 released

    By Robert,

    Sinclair emulator for the DS


    ZXDS 0.5.0 beta 1 (23.4.2007)


    + Both TAP and TZX tape files are now loaded at high speeds whenever possible.

    + Z80 snapshots are now supported.

    + Save state support via in-memory/on-card write-through save slots for 10 Z80 snapshots.

    ! Happy birthday, Speccy...

    >> Get it HERE.

    MAME plus! 0.114u2 released

    By Robert,


    thanks to MAMu_ for a temporary Mirror 1. this mirror will be online until EmuFrance is back.


    fixed crash in image enhancement filter

    fixed crash when emulator windows is minimized

    updated Italian text [Vecna]

    updated Portuguese (Brazil) text.

    Changelog / Download / Mirror

    ZX-81 updates 2 emulators for GP2X

    By Robert,
    GP2X-7800: Atari 7800 emulator for GP2X v1.0.2


    Hi All,


    ProSystem is the best emulator of Atari 7800 game console, running on Windows system.

    It has been written by Greg Stanton, see http://home.comcast.net/~gscottstanton for details.


    Here is a port on GP2X of the version 1.1 that i had previously ported to PSP.


    What's new in this version :


    - Merge diff from ProSystem v1.2

    - Improve speed

    - Improve emulation accuracy

    - Add MMU hack stuff

    - Add option to display frame rate

    - New speed limiter function

    - Improve volume handler

    - Linked with my patched version of SDL

    - New background image

    - Bug fix in file requester




    GP2X-Colem: Colecovision emulator for GP2X v1.0.2



    Hi All,


    ColEm is one of the best emulator of the ColecoVision videogame system written by Marat Fayzullin. It's running on FreeBSD, HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, Linux, and other Unix systems.

    GP2X-Colem is a port to GP2X of Colem Unix version 1.0.


    What's new in version 1.0.2 :


    - Improve speed !

    - Improve emulation accuracy

    - Add MMU hack stuff

    - Add option to display frame rate

    - New speed limiter function

    - Improve volume handler

    - Linked with my patched version of SDL

    - Bug fix in file requester

    >> Get them HERE.

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