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    iDeaS can run Super Mario 64 DS

    By Robert,

    Yes, the next version of iDeaS will be able to run Super Mario 64.


    >> More at Lino's site.



    Okiwi alpha 1 released

    By Robert,

    Web browser for the DS


    Introducing the alpha


    After some good programming sessions, the alpha version is ready.


    Some notes:


    - The file can be unpacked directly to the root of the flashcard, that is, Okiwi directory must be just under the root.


    - Inside this there's the fonts directory, which contains three TrueType font files for the different character families, and also those fonts prerendered at different sizes (*.okf) and some other which contains tables needed to associate character bitmaps with their Unicode codes (*.okm). The extensions stand for Okiwi Font and Okiwi Map, respectively. If these files are deleted, the software will generate them again from the TrueType fonts, so each one can use the typography he/she likes more. The included fonts are Bitstream Vera.


    - By now the only way to move along the document is to drag it with the stylus.


    - The only working buttons at the moment are: the first, which will allow in a future to enter an URL, and the last, which allows to set the zoom level.


    - By misfortune, the other displaying mode I wanted to include, with a general view in a screen and a zoomed one in the other, isn't there yet.


    - The icons have been designed by my brother. Actually, he has created some variants, but I've had to choose one of them. In future versions they will be able to be selected.


    - As I said, DLDI is used. Released files are patched for SuperCard Lite. If you have another device, you'll have to use the patcher with the corresponding patch for your flashcart. I think this is a promising result.

    Source / Download


    Thanks to Emuholic for the news, they also said this:

    The first release of Okiwi, a homebrew web browser for the DS, has been released today. In this release you can't actually view any web pages online, only a page which has been included. This release is more to try out how it works and give feedback on it.

    [Review] God of War II for Playstation 2

    By Robert,

    DragonKeeper has written a review on God of War II for Playstation 2. You can read the review, and add comments HERE.



    DS2KEY server 0.7 beta released

    By Robert,

    This a test release, read the full notes HERE.

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