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    DSPad v0.2

    By Mooney,

    Wireless gamepad app for DS

    History :

    Version 0.2

    # Settings Gui, no need to edit xml file

    # Animated menus, just for fun (gartoon icons)

    # Automatic backlight shutdown after a choosen time

    # Touch screen work as an analog stick with one or more DSes at the same time

    # Turbo keys!

    # ds2key 0.6 compatibility mode (keys + touch screen)

    # Open Source!

    # [server] : xml config too.

    PALib Release Thread

    DSOrganize v2.60 Released

    By Mooney,
    Fixes found in 2.6


    * Sped up text display routines a lot, helping with larger text and html files.

    * Vastly improved HTML rendering mechanism, large HTML files don't bog down any more.

    * Switched to latest dsWifi from CVS as it no longer freezes on my DS.

    * Added <q>, <dt> and <dd> to HTML renderer.

    * Added flac support to the sound player.

    * Added primitive sid support to the sound player.

    * Added nsf support to the sound player.

    * Added spc support to the sound player.

    * Added ability to check card type in plugins.

    * Added ability to move the cursor with the stylus on the configuration and irc pages.

    * Added ability to customize colors with colors.ini file.

    * Changed the sound player volume maximum to 400%.

    * Changed vCard loading to load simple unicode files, though only ascii charset is supported still.

    * Changed behavior of HTML renderer when leaving <TD> tags to fix bad HTML coding.

    * Changed behavior of default settings creator to direct people to the correct IRC server.

    * Fixed issue where keyboard repeats didn't work on the configuration screen.

    * Fixed screen swap glitch with text input box on the scribble pad.

    * Fixed potential bug with vCard separator, fixed naming issue with vCard separator.

    * Fixed slight issue with mp3 playback clicks, but had to take oversampling down to 2x.

    * Fixed memory leak in plugin loading.

    * Fixed <pre> tag not changing to fixed width.

    * Fixed bug in HTML syntax highlighting with more than one tag property that wasn't quoted.

    * Fixed language being wrong issue when there is no config.ini file.

    * Fixed issue where L and R GUI widgets were not clickable on picture viewer.

    * Fixed a wordwrapping bug that popped up on the IRC window affecting scrolling.

    * Fixed text color inconsistency on configuration page 3.

    * Fixed issue with help screens and absolutely no help pages available.


    Genesis Plugin


    * Added back in supercard ram support.

    * Fixed memory leak that caused it to eat up ram in DSO.


    NOTE: Since the plugin architecture has been updated in 2.6, please download the latest version of your favorite plugins to continue using them.

    Get it here: DragonMinded.com

    Nitrohax v0.6 released

    By Mooney,

    AR clone for the DS

    New version 0.6 is available. Uses AR XML files instead of plain text codes now. Also features a GUI. Read the readme for more information.

    GBADev Release Thread

    PSPSSH v1.0.1 Released

    By Mooney,

    SSH2 Client for PSP

    Dropbear is a small SSH2 Server and Client running on a variety of

    POSIX-based platforms. It has been mainly developed by Matt Johnston

    (see matt's web site).


    I've sucessfully ported the version 0.48.1 to the PSP.


    The terminal Vt100 emulation part of PSPSSH is based on the work

    of Danzel for his Telnet client for PSP.


    Many thanks to Matt Johnston for this nice SSH client, thanks to Danzel for

    his Virtual kerboard and his Vt100 stuff, and to all PSPSDK developpers.


    This software is distributed under several open-source/free software

    licenses, and mainly the MIT/X Consortium License.


    See LICENSE.txt file for all details and information about it.


    It has been developed on linux for Firmware 1.5 and 3.03-OE.


    How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.


    It's a first beta release and work still remain !

    Get it here: ZX-81's web site

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