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    SNESGT 0.215 beta 3 released

    By Robert,

    SNES emulator


    Beta 3

    * Some bugs are fixed from previous beta2, and some minor features such as hiding menu are added.


    Beta 2

    * GUI display may be corrupt because of font problem.

    * I do not have English environment, so I could not check GUI display. Please report if GUI display is corrupt.

    >> Get it HERE.

    M1 0.7.7u2 released

    By Robert,

    Plays audio from arcade roms


    M1 0.7.7u2 is now available. Get the Win32 version here, and the Linux binaries here. This time the Linux archive includes binaries for x86, x86-64, and PPC architectures (the PPC binary works on the PlayStation 3). If you are not on x86 and are reporting a problem, please mention that fact.


    Changes from u1 (thanks to Knurek, Logiqx, and others for these):

    * Mono streams are now panned center instead of left

    * Fixed several errors in m1.xml

    * Removed tnzs, the clone tnzsj works fine and has the same music

    * Added support for the latest NeoGeo sample encryptions, enabling kof2003, mslug5, svcpcb, samsho5, and samsh5sp

    * Removed some non-working testdriver games

    * Added pacapp2

    * Fixed c74.bin's CRC

    Source / Download

    New plugin for DEmul (Dreamcast emulator)

    By Robert,
    [3 february 2007] Pad plugin update


    Better late than never! :thumbsup1: By numerous requests we have added support of old gamepads, which don't support Event Notification, to the PAD plugin. We hope that all PADs can now be used with our emulator. Of course, not a big change for "long-awaited" new build, but this is better than nothing. :thumbsup1:


    To install, just replace default padDemul with new one.

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    Ootake 0.95 released

    By Robert,

    TG16/PCE emulator


    2007/02/02 0.95 released

    - It corresponded to operation by "Windows Vista". It operates almost normally in the "FullScreen" mode. However, there are still the following three problems.

    * The smoothing of the image quality is not effective. (It becomes a little hard image quality. The processing is a little heavier than WindowsXP.)

    * In the window mode, "V-Sync" doesn't work. (The image flickers a little when scrolling.)

    * In the window mode, operation slows when the sidebar and the gadget, etc. are displayed.

    If the driver of nVidia for Vista perfection goes up, the above issue might be solved. (It is unconfirmed in the video cards other than made of nVidia now.)

    Therefore, the current state recommends the use set to "Setting->Screen-> Start FullScreen mode" by the menu. I think that the Ootake side can correspond to complete operation (include for Aero) in the Vista window mode in the future.

    - Processing related to drawing and playing sounds was sped up (lightened) in some measure. * Compared with me

    - The system requirements was done for "DirectX8.1 or more". I think that tone quality improved according to the environment. If you use an old version of DirectX, please download a new version.


    - In the "Video Speed Up" mode, the tone quality was improved.

    - In the "Video Speed Up" mode, the processing was sped up (lightened).

    - In the "BigAudioBuffe" mode, the size of the buffer was made the half of the former version. (In a lot of tunes, it sounds better by the buffer of a moderate size.)

    - Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

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