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    Easymame 5.5 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    EasyMame 5.5 release info:



    - Added new mame font folder.

    - Adapted to the new snapshot format. (romname/0000.png, ...) The old format is still supported (detection is automatic - unlike other frontends)

    - Faster rom initializing.

    - Rewrote the favorites handling. Fixing a lot of small issues. It is now again possible to manually add romnames to the easymame.ini file.

    - Optimized the database code. Again about 20% faster now. I Don't think it's possible to make it any faster now. :)




    You have to delete the entire INI folder before running the new version for the first time.



    A word about favorites:

    Why including the favorites in the main easymame.ini and not in a separate favorites.ini is clear to me: I do not like a vast amount of .ini files! Keeping everything small, tight and fast is the main key here.

    Some other frontends creates a whole bunch of .ini files that doesn't make it any easier at all.

    >> Get it HERE

    Raine 0.50.0 : beta or final ? released

    By Robert,

    Arcade emulator


    Wow, 0.50.0 is finally released !!!


    You can go to the Downloads section to grab the source, the windows binary, or to have a look at the huge changelog (including some but not all the changes since 0.43.4, there were really too many changes this time). I really didn't think I would be able to add so many features to this one so fast, it's been quite a crazy week of coding this time !


    I hope you'll enjoy this version, I tried to finally get rid of as many allegro awkward things as possible, and it should really be better on many aspects ! It's not totally finished yet, there is no support for all the emudx games yet (just pacman/ms pac-man for now), and no audio options, but there are enough things in to call it "almost final" ! I have even made a debian package, and finally fixed the "make install" target in the makefile for those compiling it. Also raine.dat is totally gone now...


    raine (0.50.0-2) unstable; urgency=low


    * Fixed crash in Video info dialog

    * Added "Fullscreen" option, in the video options dialog

    * Fixed double buffering when fullscreen is enabled (windows)

    * Added a messagebox to be able to read the error messages when trying to load a game

    * Fixed a few more bugs in the game drivers (like crashing when loading a specific game after another)

    * Completely removed the references to yasm in the makefile for the linux version.

    * Added a gui options dialog (font, auto-repeat, transparency)

    * Added controls dialogs (emulator & game controls, default & custom)

    * Fixed joystick handliing (only the gamepads could work previously !)

    * Fixed the scrollbars behaviour

    * Added automatic repeat for joystick in the gui (same parameters as the keyboard, you can tune them with the gui options dialog).

    * enhanced menu browsing with joystick (left = page up, right = page down, and up/down cycles around the list)

    * windows specific : stdout & stderr are used again instead of stdout.txt and stderr.txt. This should allow rom utilities to work again with raine.

    Notice that if you want to do that while building your own version of raine, then you need to build your own version of sdl with a specific parameter to the configure script.

    * New cheats dialog - only allow to enable/disable cheats, not to edit them for now. It shows the infos at the bottom of the screen if the cheat has some info though (it wasn't done in the allegro version).

    * The return of EmuDX : for now only pacman and Ms Pacman. And all the pengo driver has come back with this. Notice : the emudx rendering is compatible with the yuv overlays, so you can freely resize the window without any problem and choose your prefered size.

    * A very nice new logo for the about dialog from NoLogic (new palette cycling code for it !).

    * Finally took the time to fix the "make install" target of the makefile. It allows to build a clean debian package again.

    Source / Download

    Maximus Arcade 2.07 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    Version 2.07


    * Added multiple favorites lists capability

    * Add/modify/sort favorites list from within the preferences

    * Add/modify/sort items within favorites lists

    * Added Perl Regular Expressions pattern filter for quickly filtering game list titles

    * Added a popup window for selecting favorites list when adding favorites to a list

    * Added a popup window for quickly selecting an emulator

    * Fixed error when saving very large lists

    * New file format for favorites lists

    * Ability to import older format favorites lists

    * Generate batch files from within the preference panel

    * Generate game lists by genre for MAME (using catver.ini) within the preferences panel

    * Generate a script for placement of the frontend within the Windows Media Center interface

    * New vertical layouts available for the default skins: 640x480, 800x600, 848x480, 1024x768, 1088x612

    * Added a new resolution: 1280x720 / 1280x720 vertical

    * Added a new resolution: 1280x1024 / 1280x1024 vertical

    * Launch an application upon startup of the frontend

    * Launch an application upon exiting of the frontend

    * Shortened the response time to display a movie in the interface

    * Dramatic speed improvements in loading and saving preference files

    * Added OpenGL transitions (fade, box rotate, zoom, ripple, squeeze, twist, etc.)

    * Noticeable speed improvements for "Extended search for screenshots"

    * Marquee/screenshot/movies are now loaded first by 1) clone name, then 2) parent name, and 3) extended search (if checked)

    * "Extended search for screenshots" now functions for marquees and movies too

    * Fixed problem where movie wasn't shown if screenshot didn't exist

    * Images are now only reloaded when skin based changes are made in the preferences

    * Added a right-mouse button activated popup menu within interface to:

    -- Switch resolution

    -- Rescan media location

    -- Open preferences

    -- Register software

    -- Exit interface

    -- Shutdown computer

    * Tweaked the interface popups for volume and emulator selection

    * Added preliminary support for MP3 / MNG animations

    * Added support for BMP images

    * Added option to disable listing of mature roms for MAME (catver.ini)

    * If 'disable unplayable roms' is checked and 'disable clones' checked, a clone will be used in place of an unplayable parent rom

    * Fixed randomly occurring problem with exiting on some systems (i hope)

    * Use a specific favorites list as a screensaver playlist

    * Added screensaver option 'period of inactivity' for inactive game play recognition

    * Added option of returning to the interface or to the screensaver when game inactivity occurs

    * Added option to exchange and reverse mouse X & Y axis

    * Improved joystick and keyboard input (faster scrolling)

    * Adjust the level and interval at which scrolling accelerates

    * Ability to adjust the initial decay rate on keyboard and joystick input

    * Save controller mappings

    * Import MAME controller mappings (.cfg)

    * Now using MAME based mapping configuration for keyboard and joystick input

    * Added support for the XBOX 360 USB Controller

    * Fixed potential gamepad problem

    * Added ability to alter extensions scanned

    * Ability to adjust the windowstate of an emulator launched (minimized, maximized, hidden, and normal)

    * Adjust the path type used for roms (long or short file paths)

    * Added reset buttons for command line strings, extension scan list, windowstate, path type

    * Ability to use internal exiting routines or an exit hook

    * The exit hook can send multiple key commands (ex: ESC, then ALT+F4)

    * Ability to alter whether folders are recursively scanned or not

    * Added option to continuously scan for new roms upon startup

    * Option to display "please wait..." screen and for a specified period of time

    * Added .ROM to Nintendo 64 scan list

    * Added .RM / .DIVX / .XVID to Media Player scan list

    * Added .NGPC to NeoGeo scan list

    * Split PageUp/Left and PageDown/Right input settings into separate options

    * Added switch "Close all additional processes started during launch" in exit tab of emulator setup in preferences

    * Added the extension .JPEG to the list of recognized import formats

    * Fixed uppercase file scanning issue

    * Added a built-in Adobe Flash player (add flash games to your lineup)

    * Added Sega Dreamcast and support for Chankast and ChankEx wrappers

    * Added 3DO and support for the Freedo wrapper

    * Added ZINCGui support

    * Added MP3 Jukebox executable launcher

    * Batch exit routines improved

    * Split up Virtual Pinball into Future Pinball and Visual Pinball

    * No longer using ClrMAMEPro for MAME clone recognition and descriptions

    * No longer using "catver.ini" for unplayable MAME rom recognition (catver stopped support of playable state)

    * Now having the MAME executable generate an XML list for clone, playable state, and description information

    * Fixed scanning problem with NeoGeo ClrMAMEPro database

    * Fixed Daphne launcher

    * MA no longer needs to parse DaphneLoader info to launch games with Daphne.exe / use DaphneLoader.exe

    if MA is directed to Daphne.exe it will automatically look for DaphneLoader.exe

    * No command line strings are necessary in MA for Daphne / MA launches & tells DaphneLoader what to launch

    * Support for Daphne v0.99.6 - v1.01

    Source / Download

    PSP7800 v1.0.2 released

    By Robert,

    Atari 7800 emulator for the PSP


    Hi All,


    Here is a new version of PSP7800 the Atari 7800 console emulator !


    What's new in version 1.0.2 :


    - Add Sound support !

    - Add new render modes (Normal, x1.25, x1.5)

    - Add Frame skip option

    - Add new speed limiter option

    - Fix colors palette (merge the code from ProSystem v1.1)

    - Code cleaning


    How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.


    Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license,

    read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.


    This should be the last release (even if the sound is a bit crappy),

    only if major bugs are found ...

    >> Get it here or here.

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