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    ECC 0.6 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    After a long time, we proudly presents the latest version of emuControlCenter.

    Thank you to the members of the support forum for many found bugs, cool features-request and lot of research for this release!


    * Update romdb - the internet rom/emu-metadatabase!

    ** www.camya.com/eccdb/

    ** Added search functions

    ** optimized overview

    ** added web2.0 clouds :)

    * Added french languages files created by Cyrille

    * fixed EDIT-Window always up focus problem.

    * added default emulator

    ** optimize the ini-files for all platforms

    * added commandline parameter support for emulators

    * added shortcuts

    * ALT-A or ALT-Ins = Add new roms

    * ALT-X or ALT-Del = Remove rom from database

    * ALT-E = Edit

    * ALT-B = Bookmark

    * ALT-F = search focus!

    * added simple listview (default 100 results)

    ** fixed graphical bug on 1024x768 (FYEO V2)

    ** reorderable

    ** cols resizeable!

    ** added toggle between detail and list view

    ** added some more fields for this view!

    *** because of an php-gtk2 bug, it is not possible to do this on the fly yet!

    * Fixed a little history ini bug!

    ** Autoupdate was not saved if never used!

    * disable buttons in imagepreview when reached end

    * try to catch import bug (playstation 1)

    * Platforms

    ** added Atari 8-bit Computers a8bit

    *** added ecc_platform_a8bit_info.ini

    *** Removed A400/A800 (allready in a8bit)

    ** extensions added for MSX, NES, Sharp X68000

    ** changed image of PC Engine

    * Added categories: "Action Adventure", "Trading Simulation", "3D Shooter", "Ego Shooter", "Sports/other", "Jump n Run 3D".


    At this moment, emuControlCenter supports the following formats:

    nds, n64, gba, gbc, gb, snes, nes, gen, sms, gg, ngp, pce, lynx, wswan, a2600, a5200, a7800 (and many more)


    It could handle Roms for Platform like:

    Nintendo, Sega, Atari, Nec, SNK and many more.

    >> Get it HERE.


    On the same page are thousands of snaps for NES, GB, GBC, GG, N64 and Watara Supervision.

    PSP7800 v1.0.1 released

    By Robert,

    Atari 7800 emulator for the PSP


    Saturday, January 13. 2007

    PSP7800: Atari 7800 emulator for PSP v1.0.1


    Hi All,


    ProSystem is the best emulator of Atari 7800 game console, running on Windows system.


    It has been written by Greg Stanton, see Greg's site for details.


    I've successfully modified, and port the source code of the version v1.0 and it's now working fine on PSP !


    This is a first release and some features are still not available, such as sound or fit screen mode etc ...


    It has been developed on linux for Firmware 1.5 and i hope it works also for 2.x using the great eloader (0.99x) from http://www.noobz.eu/.


    How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.


    Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license, read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.


    Special thanks to all PSPSDK developers.

    >> Get it HERE.

    Emuloader 4.9.7 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    Hello again MAME fans. I've seen some interesting developments in latest MAME builds, so I decided to wrap EL for an official release sooner than planned. Don't worry, there are no unfinished or untested new features, with the exception of the image filenames conversion utility. Not much has changed in version 4.9.7 but there are some important fixes and support for MAME v0.111u3.

    Oh yes... "New Year, new Emu Loader!" :)


    version 4.9.7 change log [January 12, 2007]



    .fixed: Hints were not showing... anywhere (buttons, edit boxes, checkboxes, etc)


    .fixed: Rename / delete images not working due to changes in the core


    .fixed: Entry "ctrlr" in "mame.ini" was being deleted if using empty value


    .fixed: Audio and video recording not working if destination folder does not exists. The

    folders are automatically created now


    .fixed: String "File Not Found" was not being added in the "Notes" column when auditing CHD files


    .fixed: Some bugs and missing cases on the audit ROMs feature


    .changed: Moved favorites to the top of the games filters list (\ini_files\mame_filters.ini) for

    easier access when switching between filters


    .changed: Moved the following settings from preferences screen to "Games List" main menu:

    - "Incremental Search"

    - "Fill All Clone Entries"

    - "Multiple Games Selection", and renamed it to "Enable Multiple Selection"


    .changed: Moved "Filter Games by Main CPU" settings from "View" to "Games List" main menu


    .changed: New "About..." screen, with new background image


    .optimized: Detailed messages for .zip handling errors


    .optimized: Added warning/information messages on a bunch of features, to make your life easier :)


    .added: New arcade filter: "Konami System 576"


    .added: In MAME settings screen:

    - Filename with full path of the file being edited, just below the top bar

    - Emulator version info label at the bottom of the MAME settings screen


    .added: Three new settings for multiple format in images filenames. Now all formats can be used

    simultaneously. Settings can be found in main menu "Images":


    - EL Format (fullgamename0000.png) ... enabled by default

    enable this so EL can display images like "snaps\galaga0004.png" (full game name + 4 digits)


    - New Format (\gamename\0000.png) ... enabled by default

    enable this so EL can display images like "snaps\galaga\0004.png"


    - Old Format (shortname0000.png) ... disabled by default

    enable this so EL can display images in old MAME style "snaps\gala0004.png"

    (short name + 4 digits)


    Note: This new feature applies to all systems, not just MAME


    .added: Convert new MAME images format (\gamename\0000.png) to Emu Loader's own format

    (fullgamename0000.png), located in "Images" main menu

    Only unzipped images are supported on this feature


    .added: Updates for latest MAME build (MAME settings screen)


    .added: New feature: "All Selected Games Files" (games popup menu, "Delete" sub-menu)

    If multi-selection is enabled, you can delete more than one game.zip file at once


    After selecting this option, a window will open, with the list of all games to be deleted.

    You can edit that list the way you see fit. For merged clones, the game filename with

    full path appears in red color.


    WARNING: Recycle bin is not supported


    .added: New feature: "All Game Files For This Favorites Profile" (games popup menu, "Delete" sub-menu)

    Same as delete multiple selected games, but with three differences:


    1. You must be in favorites mode

    2. Only games that are visible on the list will be added, meaning, the list will be affected

    by the current games filters settings

    3. No need to select multiple games, as they will all be added to the list automatically


    Note: Option only available when in favorites mode


    .added: New main menu option: "Games List"

    this menu will hold settings for the games list itself


    .removed: Setting "New Image Name Format"... not needed anymore


    .removed: Feature "Display Total Images"

    This was responsable to display the "01 of ??" label in the images tool bar, to know the

    amount of images you have for that image type / game

    Removed because now EL can display three image formats at the same time

    ... also, I can't think of any reason anyone would use this just to know now many more images

    you can view for a specific game when you can simply click on the "Next Image" button

    Source / Download

    CrocoDS 1.0 released

    By Robert,

    Amstrad CPC emulator for the DS


    One passes from Alpha has Release directly…Same step fear.



    - New keyboard 3/4.

    - Resize of the automatic screen.

    - More interlacing at the time posting of the screen.

    - The scrolling of the screen (Via the key R) now also functions into horizontal.

    - The sound is of better quality

    - Support of ROMs zipfiles functional.

    - Support of the DLDI in order to be compatible with all old linkers and to come (!! Caution!! That wants to say that you owe patcher the file .nds before being able to use it)

    - The change of pallet is again possible for each line. (possible modification via the menu hack)


    Still thank you in Demoniak which continues to work on PC-CPC, with its emulator CPC.

    >> Get it HERE.

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