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    DSFTP 2.4 Released

    By Mooney,
    Version 2.4



    The FAT driver has been upgraded to chishm's DLDI file system driver interface.


    The precompiled version comes with Supercard CF driver installed. No other interfaces will be supported any more. If you have a different flash card, please patch the DSFTP binary yourself.

    Source / Download

    DSOrganize 2.4 Released

    By Mooney,
    Fixes found in 2.4


    * Fixed the infamous crash bug in IRC when someone parted with a message. (This one was hard to find!)

    * Fixed some translation issues with the Configuration page.

    * Fixed bug in .sd.nds and .ds.gba booting.

    * Fixed text wrapping errors on rename file and address book screens.

    * Fixed help text stuck on screen in sound player after viewing help.

    * Fixed another parsing error with vcards.

    * Fixed clipping issue with spray bottle tool in scribble pad.

    * Fixed issues with displaying some error messages in irc.

    * Fixed inconsistency with nds launcher and cards not supported by built-in loader.

    * Fixed issue with gautami font and some upper ascii characters being mapped wrong.

    * Fixed a minor streaming buffer bug that seems to help with stability.

    * Fixed pausing streams caused streaming to crash.

    * Added dynamic loading of code for DSO specific plugins.

    * Added customizable iconsets.

    * Added .aac playback.

    * Added m4a/m4b file playback. The DS is too slow for higher bitrate m4a files but lower bitrates should work.

    * Added irc.ini file where users can customize DSO IRC.

    * Added descriptions to most of the settings in the configuration.

    * Added in fallback so foreign languages without help translations will still display english help.

    * Added ability to choose specific streams within a .pls file.

    * Added several commands (topic, mode, invite, kick, motd, version, ping, time, ctcp, whowas) to irc.

    * Added new dldi interface to allow patching to new/unsupported cards.

    * Added ogg vorbis streaming support in shoutcast and icecast servers.

    * Added aac streaming support in shoutcast and icecast servers.

    * Added an easter egg. See if you can find it!

    * Added setting so DSOrganize remembers the last playback mode.

    * Added legend to todo screen in help.

    * Added m3u playlist support.

    * Added symbols for copyright, registered, trademark, euro, pound, and yen to the character set.

    * Changed random mode in playback to act more like shuffle.

    * Changed picture loading screen to just moving bar, as progress was terribly inaccurate.

    * Changed hilighting style on menus.

    * Changed streaming detection to properly support iceCast streams.

    * Changed buffer behavior on streams to buffer to 200% and more vigorously, for longer stream times.

    * Changed .pls file parser to allow regular file playlists.

    * Changed browser pull-up menu support to be easier to get to.

    * Initialized volume to stop the 500% error when booting from moonshell.

    * Re-ported tremor and mad for much better audio playback.

    * Updated dswifi library to latest as usual.

    * Stopped scrollbar from appearing on very short html files.

    * Looked at microphone code, no real way to make the quality better due to speed of writing.

    * Redid home screen splash to instead be an overview of the day.

    * Made it so the browser doesn't sequentially or randomly play playlist files in sound mode, and changed the playlist icon.

    * Rewrote a lot of the HTML renderer. It renders slower now, but will load much much longer pages.

    o Fixed weird wordwrap issue with multiple font sizes

    o Fixed a bug with style tags at the very end of an html file

    o Fixed a bug where opening a page with different colored links left all pages displaying that link color.

    o Added bullets and numbered lists

    o Stopped extra whitespaces from appearing

    o Changed formatting for <div> and <p> tags

    o Added <hr>, <big>, <tt>, <code>, <strike>, <h6>, <frameset> with <noframes>, <sub>, <sup>, <em> <strong>, <cite>, <dfn>, <var>, <samp>, <kbd>

    o Ignores <script> and <style> tag contents isntead of rendering as text


    Please visit the Revision History list to see outdated release information.

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    DS Python 2.5

    By Mooney,
    This is a port of Python 2.5 to the Nintendo DS. However before you read further there are a couple of important things to know.


    * None of the DS hardware is as yet supported. This means that the use you can get out of this port is severely limited. You cannot access the microphone, the graphics, the speakers, the touchscreen or any of the controls. All you can do is enter lines of Python code into the console through the touchscreen keyboard.

    * You need a homebrew device to get the Python rom onto your DS. I will not go into what is involved here, you will need to work this out on your own.




    Python 2.5 (8th January 2007)


    * Upgraded to Python 2.5 from Python 2.4.3.

    * Updated how the filesystem support was exposed to Python. This was needed because the hooks provided by devkitArm had changed.

    * Cleaned up the source code so that others can actually get it to compile. Important bits of information were left out of the Python 2.4.3 release because I did not remember them myself when I packaged it up. Now the whole compilation process is documented in a README file which is included with the source code.

    Source and Downloads: www.disinterest.org

    SSF 0.08 alpha 4 released

    By Robert,

    Saturn emulator


    Translation doesn't really make much sense unfortunately.

    * Remainder it is not operational checking, but it raises.

    * Seeking state was added to drive status of SSF Ver0.08 alpha R4 CD block.

    * It reaching the point where ZERO DIVIDE and the [huarukomukurashitsukusu] move, it increases.

    * The drawing processing of VDP1 was corrected.

    * It reaching the point where cursor of [vuandaruhatsu] is indicated, it increases.

    * It tried to consider the cycle pattern designated mistake of VDP2.

    * Demoniac castle Dracula it reaching the point where the picture of X and [warudohirozupahuekuto] etc is indicated securely, it increases.

    * Because it is a little heavy processing, option is provided.

    * At the time of the state load the trouble where CDDA playback fails was corrected.

    * BIOS it is not with, it tried to be able to do disk exchange.

    * CD access LED was mounted.

    * Version of the state saving data changed. The previous version (Ver0.08 alpha R3) it tries to be able to read, but you cannot read the data of time before Ver0.08 alpha R3. In addition because it modified also the BIOS emulating program, BIOS it is not the data depending upon the software you cannot read.

    * Check of cycle pattern designated mistake has gone the normal BG aspect, only in case of cell type and 16 colors. Other than that it deteriorates partly, because when is many, when developing (understanding,) corrects mistake the expectation…

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