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    Glide64 Wonder ++ released

    By Robert,

    Video PlugIn


    Glide64 Wonder. New update

    Published tuesday 12 december 2006 by gonetz

    More then a year is passed since previous official release of Glide64. The project is still alive, but I don’t have much time to work on it. I made some improvements, nice but not revolutionary. It’s just another plus to the famous ‘Wonder’ version. Main results:


    * Improvements in hardware frame buffer emulation for Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Mickey's Speedway USA

    * Added support for highlighted objects in Perfect Dark. Added support for coronas in this game (requires software depth buffer rendering). Both features are very important for correct emulation. Now Glide64 emulates PerfectDark nearly perfect, only sky is still missing. Needless to say, that all frame buffer based effects work too (there are many of them in this game).

    * Fixed combiners in several games.

    * Hacktarux's glide wrapper was improved too, and its modifications can be named revolutionary. First of all, it now supports hardware frame buffer emulation! This feature was previously available for 3dfx users only, and now owners of Direct9X cards can enjoy it too. My thanks to mudlord, who helped us to solve several problems during testing of this feature. Note: OpenGL implementation of texture frame buffer is not as efficient as Glide3x one, and it requires much more video memory. Thus, at least 128mb Direct9x video card is required for hardware frame buffer emulation. Please run mudlord’s gltest.exe, placed in wrapper’s folder, to check compatibility of your video card with the wrapper. Second, Hacktarux fixed several old problems in the wrapper:


    ** fixed dithered alpha emulation on ATI cards

    ** fixed chromakey functions

    ** fixed Lens of Truth problem in Zelda MM

    ** added some missing combine modes


    * You may also check mudlord’s unofficial builds of the wrapper in this thread. mudlord did some experimental speed improvements, so may be his builds will work for you better than official one.


    * And the last thing – "How to install Glide64". This question was asked and answered hundred times already, it’s described in readme.txt, but nevertheless lazy lamers keep asking it again and again. Thus, I wrote this ultimate guide "Glide64 installation for dummies":


    ** Download Glide64 distributive

    ** Unpack it into temporal folder

    ** Go to that temporal folder

    ** Copy Glide64.dll and Glide64.ini from "Plugin" folder into "Plugin" folder of your emulator

    ** If you don't have 3dfx card, copy glide3x.dll from "Hacktarux's glide3x wrapper" into your emulator's folder, where main exe file is placed (main exe is Project64.exe or 1964.exe or mupen64.exe etc)

    ** Run your emulator

    ** In emulator's settings select Glide64 as your video plugin. Push "About" button to see information about the plugin (optional)

    ** Now you need to configure video plugin. Select correspondent option in emulator's settings. In Glide64 configuration dialog select desired screen resolution. If you have fast PC, select 'Depth buffer render' option. For Mupen64 emulator, select 'Get frame buffer info' option. If you don't have 3dfx card, push 'Wrapper' button and select full screen resolution for the wrapper. Press "Ok' button to close configuration dialog

    Run a game


    * If a game does not work well, check 'Glide64 compatibility list.htm' for additional options. If game's status is "Compatible', but it actually does not work - report about it on our forum

    * Note: if you are using Project64 emulator with the wrapper, you must close the emulator after each game, otherwise you will get an error message.


    * Serious warning: I’ve put a special code into Glide64. If you will ever again ask “How to install Glide64”, this code will be triggered, and then #25 frame will be rendered and command you to kill yourself up against a wall. After that your computer will explode. You been warned!

    >> Get it HERE.

    CPS2PSP 1.60 (2006/12/12) released

    By Robert,

    >> Get it HERE.

    Dragon Quest XI - DS Exclusive

    By Wizard,

    Square Enix held a press conference in Tokyo today to announce the next entry in the main Dragon Quest series. In a surprise move, Japan's most popular series will continue not on the PS3 or the Wii, as many had expected. Instead, Square Enix will be bringing the game to the DS.


    The full name of Dragon Quest 9 is Dragon Quest 9: Hoshizora no Mamoribito. The surname can be translated to "Protectors of the sky."


    Level 5 will be handling development on the game. The hot-shot development studio headed up development on Dragon Quest 8, before turning to a couple of projects for Sony. On the DS, the studio is currently working on Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village, to be self-published early next year.


    Development staff on Level 5's end is the same as from Dragon Quest 8, right down to company president Akihiro Hino, who's serving as producer. Other staff members should come as no surprise. Series father Yuji Horii, heading up the project once again, was in attendance at the press conference, and said, "The DS version is not a side-story, but a true part of the series." Kouichi Sugiyama will be lending his talents to the game's soundtrack. And all future Dragon Quest soundtracks, it seems, as he took the stage today to say "I will continue making Dragon Quest music until I die."


    Development seems to be quite far along. The online arms of magazines Famitsu and Gemaga, report that a demo was held at the press conference, with Horii and other guests playing the game live. Dragon Quest 9 features an action-oriented battle system playable cooperatively by up to four players via Wi-Fi. This is the first network-based Dragon Quest, Horii noted. The DS's dual screen setup is also put to use, with the top screen showing a map and the bottom screen housing all the action.


    Horii is aiming for a Japanese release some time in 2007. With Dragon Quest 8 pulling in favorable sales internationally, expect a release outside of Japan to follow.




    Gameplay Footage(From Kotaku.com)

    Footage from the press release. (Japanese) (on youtube)

    DQ9 Website

    Oswan 1.5 released

    By Robert,

    Wonderswan emulator


    Adding the setting of the wav directory to the ini file. When there is no SRAM even, being able to write in, correcting the bug which memory leak has been done. NO WAIT (there is no VSYNC) it adds to Configure dialogue. While pushing the NO WAIT key, it executes with CPU100%. When there is no saving function in the cartridge, it tried not to make the sav file. 1024 bits in capacity inside EEPROM (16 bit *32) correction.

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