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    SgStair WIP

    By Robert,
    The state of the sgstair


    Hi everyone, it's been a while, but here are my priorities in the homebrew realm for the immediate future. I'm going to disappoint some of you, sorry - but this is how it has to be.


    The DSWifi project is going to be discontinued for the time being, until sometime next year. I'm not going to go into more detail on why, but I will not be continuing to work on it for now. I would like to turn it over to an individual or group of people if anyone would like to maintain it - if you'd like to do this, get in contact with me (on IRC, or leave a comment, or send an email…)


    I will be starting a new project to reverse engineer the Wii's wireless hardware, and build a new library based on it. This is expected to start around the start of December, and run a few months (who knows how long it will take).


    The DSTunnel project is currently inactive, but I will make an attempt to revive it later this year, I would like to first complete the Wii wifi library, and I may actually build DSTunnel directly for the Wii, or at least as one of the supported platforms.


    I have 2 undisclosed DS projects that I will be working on… you'll just have to wait and see what they are :)


    Beyond all that, I have a few other general purpose libraries (besides the 802.11 and TCP/IP libs) that I'm going to start on at some arbitrary time (FAT lib, crypto lib, and some others) and a few emulator projects I want to work on.


    So, that's what my schedule looks like for the next several months - I now await your kind comments and harsh criticism ;)


    PSPInt v1.0.7 released

    By Robert,

    Intellivision Emulator for PSP


    What's new in version 1.0.7 :


    - Emulator menus reorganisation (new menu for settings)

    - Icons and background images modification

    - The percent of battery left is now displayed in the emulator window

    - Add a watchdog to automatically return to the emulator menu when the battery is very low (

    - New feature to save and load a distinct setting file for each games

    - Delete files option (in the file selector)

    >> Get it HERE.

    Offical Playstation Magazine Discontinued

    By Wizard,

    The official release from Ziff Davis Media is below:




    "Ziff Davis has had a great run with Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine for the past nine years," said Scott McCarthy, President of Ziff Davis Game Group. "We are very proud of the magazine and its outstanding editorial team, and we're obviously sad to see it go. Unfortunately, given where we are taking the Game Group, it doesn't easily fit into our integrated media network or afford us digital media opportunities."


    Mr. McCarthy continued, "In addition, it's a new world. The powerful online capabilities of the exciting PlayStation 3, coupled with ever-increasing broadband penetration in the U.S., allow for much more efficient distribution of game demos, videos, and trailers. With this next generation of game consoles, the days of having to bundle a disc with a magazine to distribute games-related content are over. And the disc has clearly been a major driver for consumer interest in premium-priced, platform-specific magazines in the past, when the magazine disc was the only way gamers could get such content."


    Sony Computer Entertainment America will remain a key content and marketing partner for Ziff Davis Game Group, which will cover SCEA's PlayStation 3 and first-party games extensively across all of its media outlets, including EGM, 1UP.com, and GameVideos.com. The Game Group editorial team will also work closely with SCEA in the development of digital content for the PlayStation Network, accessible only through the PS3.


    "We are as excited about the PlayStation 3 as the rest of the world, and gamers will be sure to see us reporting extensively on the platform -- and on the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable -- across our various media assets," said John Davison, Senior Vice President and Editorial Director of Ziff Davis Game Group. "We enjoy working with SCEA and look forward to continuing our relationship for many years to come."




    The Game Group is also aggressively integrating its print and online media properties wherever possible. For example, its flagship multiplatform magazine EGM, the leader among videogame magazines, is now closely aligned with 1UP.com in terms of visual design, content, and its games rating system.


    - 1up.com story


    Sad to see such a wonderful magazine die. OPM, you shall join the offical ranks of GameFan and Dreamcast Magazine as simply, one of the best.

    vbSMS+ v2.1 Released

    By olaf,

    Two days ago I released a version of vbSMS+, my Sega Mark III/Master System/Game Gear emulator, prematurely. This version (2.1) is just a simple bug fix and clean up of me being lazy. Below are the release notes...


    - added a fix for the 'close rom' error [olaf]

    - changed and cleaned some of the z80 core source code a bit [olaf]


    the needed.zip file on the vbsms+ homepage now includes unzip32.dll

    You can visit the official homepage of vbSMS+ here, or simply download it here.

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