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    PSPMaster 0.06b released

    By Robert,

    SMS/GG emulator for PSP



    - YM2413 speed optimizations.

    - YM2413 bug fixed.

    - Configure emulator keys menu.

    - Use hardware aceleration to draw menu images.

    - 32 bits color menu.

    - Read menu images from PNG files instead of custom format.

    - Fixed a bug that was stoping emulation.

    - Save screen shots in PNG format instead of GIF.



    - Sound volume option added.

    - Improved script files and fixed a bug.

    - Improved cheat files (one cheat can change multiple memory




    - Fixed a bug in draw text routine.

    - Support for cheats.

    - Menu improvements.

    - In game screen messages.

    - Faster render code (Assembly).

    - Added bios mode.

    - More speed optimizations.

    - Fixed a bug in screen shot routine.

    >> Get it HERE.

    SnezziDS 0.25a released

    By Robert,

    Snes emulator for the Nintendo Dual-Screen handheld.


    Updated in line with SnezziBoy


    >> Get it HERE.

    VMC-10 0.69e released

    By Robert,

    Virtual MC-10 emulator.


    The notes for this emulator are a bit confusing. The changelog for 0.69e is dated in May, and another note says it's version 0.70 !! Anyway this is what it says:

    Here's Virtual MC-10 version 0.70. The high number indicates that it's fun, useful, and as good an MC-10 emulator as you'll find anywhere! Okay, so it's lacking in debugging features. Oh well!


    An important feature in this version is Quicktype (from the file menu). This automatically types a text file. The best way to use this is to edit a BASIC program as a text file using NOTEPAD. Save it (from NOTEPAD). Then use Quicktype to load it into the Virtual MC-10. This is much easier than trying to type in a program on the Virtual MC-10 itself (although that can be done).


    If you simply prefer to use the Virtual MC-10's keyboard, you can later use Quicktype. LLIST your program, then use NOTEPAD to extract your program from the printer output file. Save out the extracted program to another text file, and you can use the Quicktype feature to load that in.


    May 2006



    * Video is now confined to 4K. The highest resolution modes echo the first 4K.

    * Util Paste.

    * Loading of K7 multi cassette files (who cares? there aren't any).

    * WAV->CAS logger

    * Menus on full-screen (right mouse button toggles).

    * Joystick is scanned in parallel with W A S Z and spacebar.

    * ROM Hack fast I/O for cassette.

    >> Get it HERE.

    e[mulator] 0.82b released

    By Robert,

    Multi-system emulator.


    e[mulator] 0.82b for PSP (+Windows)


    (1) WS : fix FF4 opening scroll bug

    (2) NES: fix Rom reload mirror sprite bug

    >> Get it HERE.

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