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    No$GBA 2.3 released

    By Robert,

    GBA/DS emulator


    4th August 2006 - version 2.3

    - nds/dos: displays nds button X and button Y in redefine keys setup screen

    - gba/bugfix: re-disabled NDS master_bright in GBA mode (port 6Ch is GBA sound2)

    - help: uploaded gbatek txt/htm standalone versions (v2.3 news: 3d video, wifi)

    - nds/help: firmware header chapter (added timestamp/version/type/unused info)

    - wifi/emu: direct boot sets wifi regs (mainly bb) as done by firmware bootcode

    - wifi/emu: emulate serial read/write to BB ports, and write to RF ports

    - wifi/emu: emulates indirect wifi ram read/write access via ports 050h..076h

    - wifi/emu: emulates wifi disable by powcnt2, emulates 8bit/16bit/32bit access

    - wifi/emu: allocates/emulates 8K wifi RAM, emulates used/unused wifi io ports

    - wifi/help: added write range: w_buf_wr_end (074h) and w_buf_wr_step (076h)

    - wifi/help: added missing ports 078h and 09Ch, explained RF index/18bit data

    - wifi/help: added random algorithm, added w_us_comparecnt (compare enable)

    - wifi/help: added notes on read-mirrors when reading from write-only ports

    - wifi/help: added bit-by-bit port descriptions, including unused/always0 bits

    - wifi/help: corrected several ®/(W)/(R/W) specifications, added r/w bitmasks

    - wifi/help: matched doc to 80 column width, removed too-verbose stuff in iomap

    - wifi/help: added wireless chapter (many thanks stephen stair's ds wifi doc)

    - nds/xcept: allows NDS7 to access 64K region at 4800000h (wireless wifi ports)

    - nds/xcept: allows NDS7 to access 256K mirror at 27C0000h (commercial games)

    - nds/xcept: allows ITCM mirror at 1FF8000h..1FFFFFFh (used by commercial games)

    - nds/rtc: serial transfer timings firmware-compatible (on other edge than bios)

    - nds/firmware: supports 512Kbyte firmware.bin (ie. chinese charset in iQue)

    - nds/emu: emulates 512-byte backup eeprom (as used in metroid demo cartridge)

    - nds/help: corrected auxspicnt (exchanged bit6/bit13, enable and hold flags)

    - 3d/help: cleaned-up 3d matrix chapter (mtx_mode, and clip_mtx descriptions)

    - 3d/help: added chapter on 2D scrolling/specialeffects/window used on 3D/BG0

    - nds/video: emulates display capture from source A=bg/obj, fixed swap_buf time

    - nds/help: added note on capture completion in line 192 (regardless of size)

    - nds/iomap/help: corrected display capture read/write offsets (exchanged them)

    - 3d/2d: emulates hscroll on 3D layer, prevents mosaic and vscroll on 3D layer

    - debug/iomap: fixed position of "W0 W1 Obj Out" and "1st 2nd Target" flags

    - 3d/log: automatic comments on separate bits in poly_attr and teximage_param

    - 3d: supports transparent rear-planes (for underlaying 2D plane) (metroid menu)

    - 3d: enabled GL_NORMALIZE (required for normals when used with scaled matrix)

    - nds/slot/dma: executes BURST only on START 0-to-1 (not on clearing MODE bits)

    - nds/slot: cart transfer ready irq generated ONLY if enabled in 40001A1h.Bit6

    - nds/touchscreen: works also in debug-window (not only in separate game window)

    - nds/touchscreen: initializes calibration also when booted via bios/firmware

    - nds/div/emu/help: DIV0 or MAX overkill: 32bit result is reversed-sign-expanded

    - nds/div/emu/help: reserved mode3 is same as mode1, result/remain sign-expanded

    - nds/div/emu/help: DIV0 sets remain=numer, result=+/-1 (sign opposite of numer)

    - nds/div/emu/help: (-MAX / -1) overflow error returns (-MAX) (instead +MAX)

    - 3d/iomap: added vertex (vtx16), normal vector, light colors, and light vectors

    - 3d/iomap: added box test, pos test, pos test result, vec test, vec test result

    - 3d/iomap: added edge color table, fog table, toon table, shininess table

    - 3d/iomap: added current projection, position, direction, and texture matrices

    - debug: disassembler: fixed Rm,Rs operand order for umull/smull/umlal/smlal

    - 3d: texture mirror repeat (fully software emulated, pre_opengl_1.4 compatible)

    - debug: changed .FNT DefaultChar from 2Eh to FFh (avoids WinXP bug) (jasper)

    - 3d/log: log-file for all GX commands (format: PortNNN/CmdNN cmd_name params)

    - 3d/log: auto-indent within begin/end, auto-wrap-indent for NxN matrix params)

    - nds: re-init fpu-mode for 64bit INTEGER div/sqrt (required after opengl calls)

    - 3d: fixed SCALE command (applied only to one matrix even in simultaneous mode)

    - 3d: fixed mtx_load_4x3 command (applied to both matrices in simultaneous mode)

    - 3d: emu: fixed vec_test (x,y,z,0) (4bit sign, instead 1bit sign+3bit integer)

    - 3d: texcoord-transform fully software emulated (without GL_TEXTURE matrix)

    - gba/help: added note on more complex invalid tiles with multiple BGs (jasper)

    - 3d/help: added decal/modulation/toon/highlight chapter, and texcoord chapter

    - 3d: texture 4x4 texel compressed format (incomplete, without interpolation)

    - 3d: texture translucent formats, palette formats optionally color0 transparent

    - 3d: bugfixed vtx_diff (9bit fraction is meant to be LSBs of 12bit fraction)

    - 3d: material0.bit15 directly sets vertex color (for N's "cube" demonstration)

    - 3d: light/material/normal with forced begin/end-outbreak on GL_LIGHTING change

    - 3d: calls gx_process_fifo to free-up gxfifo (when possible aka no swap active)

    - 3d: get framebuf: reverses red/blue by table (for match-up with nds 2D engine)

    - 3d: explodes (1)-5-5-5 RGB textures to "unpacked" OpenGL RGBA 8-8-8-8 format

    - 3d: supports 16bit I/O-writes (eg. metroid demo: 16bit STRH to CLEAR_DEPTH)

    - 3d: textures (metroid demo: "nintendo/actimagine" shown before intro-movie)

    - 3d/help: added note on END_VTXS being a dummy command (no effect on hardware)

    - 3d/help: added note on depth test, and on POLYGON_ATTR applied at BEGIN_VTXS

    - 3d: enabled Depth Test, and emulated Depth Test modes (either Less, or Equal)

    - 3d/iomap: displays VertexColor setting (Port 480h aka Cmd20h) in F10 screen

    - gba/video: bugfixed rotscal tile-map mode (bugged since v2.2f) (thanks jasper)

    - 3d: converts fixed-point-to-float by FMUL 1/1000h (faster than fscale or fdiv)

    - 3d/help: added notes about clipping, and about light vectors and normal vector

    - 3d: retrieves DIB bitmap data by movsd (glReadPixels doesn't seem to work)

    - 3d: supports begin/end quad/triangle/strips and all variants of vtx-commands

    - 3d: forwards (software calculated) projection/modelview matrices to opengl

    - 3d: supports clear color, clear depth, and applies viewport setting

    - 3d: supports vertex color, and polyonattr alpha/wireframe/front/back settings

    - 3d: pre-calculates 5bit R,G,B,A float values (for fast conversion via table)

    - 3d: calls ChoosePixelFormat (killer-slow) (only if needed, not for 2D games)

    - 3d: retrieves gl- and wgl- and PixelFormat proc addresses (quite fast)

    - 3d: loads Opengl32.dll (killer-slow) (but, only if needed, not for 2D games)

    >> Get it HERE (bottom of page).

    CAPCOM CPS2 Emulator for PSP released

    By Robert,

    This is a test version only.


    >> Get it HERE.


    Thanks to e-lation for the news. :)


    By Robert,
    08-04-2006 - JAPE

    Lots of good news regarding JAPE 0.10...

    By the way, starting from now, I will only list most important changes and not reuse the long update list from MAME.


    Here are latest news:


    * New M6502 CPU emulation support (seems to work nicely).

    * Added fully-working support for Bomb Jack, Congo Bongo, Centipede, Nibbler.

    * Incorporated most changes up to MAME 0.10.

    * F10 to toggle speed throttling, F11 to toggle FPS display.

    * Added character buffer emulation to facilitate C porting to Java.

    * Added a C++ preprocessor in the compilation build to enable the use of macros in Java (yes, there are many macros in MAME).

    AGEMAME and AGEMAME32 0.35 released

    By Robert,

    Slot/fruit/poker machine emulator (depending where you live).


    AGEMAME (formerly MAGE)




    Included all updates from 0.106 to 0.107


    AWPSim again revised, into AWPVideo - a series of functions that any driver can access, to  provide a unifrom platform for future simulator development. The original system has now been totally disabled, but as of writing there is no sample simulator layout available (lamping is improving, though).


    The system still isn't perfect (Ideally, different video components should be placed on different 'screens', but that will require a rewrite of the AWPVid external components (vacfdisp, bfm_dm01 etc).


    AGEMAME is still using a different MPU4 core to regular MAME, while I try to work out some communications issues - when ready, I'll merge it back in.

    >> Get it HERE.

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