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    CPS1 emulator for PSP alpha 2 released

    By Robert,

    CAPCOM CPS1 Emulator for PSP alpha 2


    >> Get it HERE.


    It corresponded to the game of QSOUND.

    Dip switch inscription of the old game was corrected.

    Japanese resource the file was added. Method of using is the same as NGEPSP.


    QSOUND processing is light, is. To 22050Hz perhaps it is good. Sprite of the scroll surface does not draw with [panitsushiya]. The pattern where VRAM for sprite is not enough somehow. Next becomes beta, but you think that time is required for adjustment for a while.

    Thanks to Emulation4ever for the changelog.

    Easymame 5.4 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    EasyMame 5.4 release info:


    - New : Made all necessary changes according Mame .107 (Too many to go into detail)

    - New : Removed option 'Show loadingscreen' because this is obsolete now.

    - Improved : Correct video modes detection.

    - Improved : Faster realtime searching.


    Included in this archive are some optional .png effect files.

    >> Get it HERE.

    Oswam 0.74_2 released

    By Robert,

    Misspelt Wonderswan emulator


    No changelog yet.


    >> Get it HERE.

    MAME 0.107 released !

    By Robert,



    NOTE: This is the first full release of MAME with the new rendering system. Before freaking out that things don't work the way you expected, please read the docs/newvideo.txt file that gives some suggestions for how to set up your base configuration. If you still encounter issues, then run your system with the -v option and post about your problem at http://mametesters.org.



    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed


    xxmissio0106u12yel [quzz]

    laser0106u10ora [gregf]

    kof10th0106u1ora [f205v]

    pignewt0106u3gra [Machone]

    cheatwatchpoint0106u11ora [shimaPong]



    Source Changes


    Fixed keyboard inputs in the Taito Wolf driver. [Ville Linde]


    Added tile flipx to tilemaps in yunsung16.c (bomb kick needs it) and changed the DIP switches used for protection to real DIP switches. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Fixed crash in the PGM driver. [David Haywood]


    Properly emulated the sprite overdraw effect in ninjakd2. Now you can see the "opening" effect and the previously 2 bugged levels are fixed. Converted the driver to use tilemaps as well. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Additional updates to the magicfly driver. Improved documentation and input port mapping. [Roberto Fresca]


    Fixed gamma and brightness ranges in the UI to match the limits from the command line. [Aaron Giles]


    Fixed default flicker value to 0. [Aaron Giles]


    Fixed scrolling in the palette view. [Aaron Giles]


    Fixed assertion when the MAME window was minimized. [Aaron Giles]


    Fixed bug that prevented resizing of secondary windows. [Aaron Giles]


    Rewrote Missile Command driver from schematics: [Aaron Giles]

    * CPU speed now correct (slows down for lower 32 scanlines)

    * proper frame rate and IRQ signal timing

    * service mode works on some sets, fails on others due to 6502 bug

    * accurate bitmap mapping and cycle counts for 3-bit accesses

    * using bitmap access PROM for bit mode writes



    New clones added


    Head On (Sidam bootleg) [David Haywood]

    Super Crash (bootleg of Head On) [David Haywood]

    Borderline (Sidam bootleg) [David Haywood]

    Lunar Rescue (Model Racing bootleg) [David Haywood]

    Agent X (prototype) [Aaron Giles]



    New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING


    Ripper Ribbit [Guru]

    Chicken Farm [Guru]

    Crazzy Clownz [Guru]

    Super Bubble 2003 [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    Legend of Heroes [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    Hidden Catch 3 [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    Pro Golf [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    Midnight Landing [David Haywood]


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