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    SDLMAME 0.106u13 released

    By Robert,
    SDLMAME 0.106u13 is now available.


    Goodies include:


    * Up to date with baseline u13

    * OpenGL code is now optimized and supports ARB_texture_rectangle for even more speed on Mac OS X and some Windows/Linux configurations

    * New -hcenter and -vcenter options to center the game screen within the view area. These are separate for each direction to handle dual-monitor cases better. If you have two 4:3 monitors side-by-side you’ll want -vcenter on and -nohcenter, or else normal games will be split across your two monitors. (Wide games like OutRunners and Darius 2 will cross the monitors anyway, this is unavoidable). Similarly, with 2 4:3 monitors top/bottom you’d want -centerh and -novcenter.

    * Software mode now properly clears the unused area when the game geometry changes

    >> Get it HERE.


    EDIT: An emergency bugfix is available.

    SDLMAME 0.106u13_2 is now available [14.2 MB]. A patch from 0.106u13 to 0.106u13_2 is here [20 KB] if you already downloaded u13.


    [uPDATE]_2 fixes 2 bad bugs in u13: 1) texture corruption on OS X in windowed mode if the game switched modes in OpenGL mode 2) debug code was accidentally left on that would degrade performance and write “tex{some number}.bin” files all over the place (again, only in OpenGL).


    [uPDATE]_3 fixes vector drawing in OpenGL (enjoy the new -beam switch to make the lines fatter and fuzzier - 1.0 is normal, u10 used 1.1, and 5.0 is totally blown out). In addition, the SDLMAME.txt documentation has been revised to reflect that OpenGL works now and stuff.


    Elazul Yagami
    By Elazul Yagami,

    According to Neil of Romhacking.net SMILE 1.0 has been released.


    SMILE is a full featured Super Metroid (SNES) editor for Windows.


    Here’s what’s new:


    Loads and loads of bug fixes.

    A back up and recovery system! Each time you exit SMILE, a back up is made with just you most recent changes (to keep the files small). If an irrecoverable error happens, you can walk through the recovery system to fix it, losing only a small amount of work. How is this done?

    IPS is now supported. You can create a patch, apply a patch, or apply an entire folder of patches! Thanks to FuSoYa, because it’s his dll that’s doing the bulk of the work.

    Text editing . . . SABS handled green intro text. SMILE handles that, plus area names, bomb texts, and my own text engine (not released publically yet, but it will be).

    Samus palette editing . . . SABS handled some of this. SMILE handles *all* of this. You can even make new fade effects! Other palettes can be edited with this as well.

    Game properties . . . Some that were only in SABS, some that SABS never had.

    I am forgetting some things, I’m sure. Just rest assured that this release is big. I’ve also included some small IPS patches for the public to use:


    clearmem.ips - needed in order to make the other two work correctly

    gravity.ips - allows you to adjust gravity in individual rooms

    torizo.ips - allows bomb torizo to activate on any item pick-up, not just bombs… X/Y are no longer based on the hardcoded values, but rather wherever you place it in SMILE.






    pSX 1.7 released

    By Robert,

    PSX emulator




    * Subcode reading (libcrypt games should now work)

    * Better support for self-modifying code (fixes Spyro3)

    * More anti-mod protected games now work (tested on WildArms2)

    * Added support for MDEC STP bit (fixes DragonWarrior7 spell effects)

    * Fixed quickload menu bug

    * Fixed crash loading v1.5 state saves

    * Fixed bug where .bin file was named .cue when converting CDZ file

    * Fixed bug where CDZs created without .cue file did not work

    * ESC can now be configured (either quit, or exit fullscreen)

    * CD drivers now retry when an error occurs (up to 16 times)

    * Fixed bug where switching back to windowed sometimes didn't work

    * File requester is now displayed when BIOS is not found

    >> Get it HERE.

    Ootake 0.56 released

    By Robert,

    PCE/TG16 emulator


    2006/07/22 0.56 released


      - The problem that the sampling voice of a part of game("KLAX"etc.) has quickened (It is generated since v0.54) was corrected.

    >> Get it HERE.

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