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    FTP server for PSP 0.3.6 released

    By Robert,
    PSP-FTPD: A FTP Server on your PSP v0.3.6



    Hi All,


    Here is a new release of PSP-FTPD the FTP server for your PSP.


    What's new in version 0.3.6 :


    - Fix the bug with DHCP on FW 1.5


    How to use it ?


    Have a look to the README.txt file.


    Finally ?


    It has been tested using gFtp on Linux and Internet Explorer and Filezilla on Windows.


    One binary version for 1.5 FW and sources are included in this zip archive

    >> Get it HERE.


    By Robert,



    07-25-2006 - JAPE

    Here are some news regarding JAPE 0.7.

    Not all changes from MAME 0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7 are integrated yet but I spent quite some time to update drivers and debug the Z80 core against Rally X.

    The good news is that all games except Mr. Do (death issue) and Rally X (scrolling issues) are working perfectly, just as in MAME.



    Here are supported changes from MAME 0.6/0.7:


    - Amidar US version

    - Crazy Climber Japanese version

    - Scramble has 100% correct colors (no sound).

    - Uniwars (US version of Japanese Irem game)

    - Frogger (including bootleg version running on a Scramble board) (wrong colors, no sound)

    - Amidar (wrong colors, no sound)

    - Turtles (wrong colors, no sound)

    - Rally X (wrong colors, no sound, slowdowns)

    - Star background in Galaxians & co. The way I calculate it is probably not correct, anyway it looks reasonable.

    Emulate a Mac on your DS!

    By Robert,



    Test/Alpha version ready

    July 24th, 2006


    Of course you will need to supply your own Macintosh Plus rom in order for this to do anything, and must have a device supported by chishm’s FAT library.


    All files ( including the rom ) must go in the root of your memory device.

    Emu Loader 4.9 released

    By Robert,

    Front End


    The changelog is extremely long, read it HERE.


    >> Get it HERE.

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